Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes Always Solar Movies Eliza Hittman Without Membership
Writer Eliza Hittman
53 Vote
directors Eliza Hittman
genres Drama
duration 1 h 41Minute
Summary A pair of teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania travel to New York City to seek out medical help after an unintended pregnancy
Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes alwaysdata. Movie stream never rarely sometimes always scale. A abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any 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certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear 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engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irish iron Islamic island Israeli issue it Italian item its itself jacket jail Japanese jet Jew Jewish job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment juice jump junior jury just justice justify keep key kick kid kill killer killing kind king kiss kitchen knee knife knock know knowledge lab label labor laboratory lack lady lake land landscape language lap large largely last late later Latin latter laugh launch law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave left leg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lesson let letter level liberal library license lie life lifestyle lifetime lift light like likely limit limitation limited line link lip list listen literally literary literature little live living load loan local locate location lock long long-term look loose lose loss lost lot lots loud love lovely lover low lower luck lucky lunch lung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mall man manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing many map margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirror miss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs Ms much multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual my myself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next nice night nine no nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n't nuclear number numerous nurse nut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer office officer official often oh oil ok okay old Olympic on once one ongoing onion online only onto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner pace pack package page pain painful paint painter painting pair pale Palestinian palm pan panel pant paper parent park parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion past patch path patient pattern pause pay payment PC peace peak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician piano pick picture pie piece pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player please pleasure plenty plot plus PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution pool poor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice pray prayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously price pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publish publisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue push put qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote race racial radical radio rail rain raise range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather rating ratio raw reach react reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruit red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace reply report reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm rice rich rid ride rifle right ring rise risk river road rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rough roughly round route routine row rub rule run running rural rush Russian sacred sad safe safety sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settle settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shut sick side sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sink sir sister sit site situation six size ski skill skin sky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smooth snap snow so so-called soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spin spirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stage stair stake stand standard standing star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel step stick still stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike string strip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tail take tale talent talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary ten tend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testing text than thank thanks that the theater their them theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these they thick thin thing think thinking third thirty this those though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thus ticket tie tight time tiny tip tire tired tissue title to tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic toss total totally touch tough tour tourist tournament toward towards tower town toy trace track trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial tribe trick trip troop trouble truck true truly trust truth try tube tunnel turn TV twelve twenty twice twin two type typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncle under undergo understand understanding unfortunately uniform union unique unit United universal universe university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual up upon upper urban urge us use used useful user usual usually utility vacation valley valuable value variable variation variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle venture version versus very vessel veteran via victim victory video view viewer village violate violation violence violent virtually virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visual vital voice volume volunteer vote voter vs vulnerable wage wait wake walk wall wander want war warm warn warning wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth wealthy weapon wear weather wedding week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whereas whether which while whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widely widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden word work worker working works workshop world worried worry worth would wound wrap write writer writing wrong yard yeah year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself youth zone.
Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes always remember. MARCH 7TH, 2011 THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CAME ACROSS AN ABANDONED SHACK IN THE COUNTRYSIDE OF FLORIDA AND HAPPENED UPON SOMETHING STRANGE. A JOURNAL WRITTEN BY ONE JAKE ROGERS, A MYSTERIOUS PERSON DEEMED MISSING AND WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN. AUGUST 3RD, 2012 THIS JOURNAL HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED BY THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION AND HAS BEEN DEEMED CLASSIFIED BY THE GOVERNMENT TO NOT BE SHARED UNTIL A SPECIFIED DATE. ALL INFORMATION IS A JOURNAL BY ONE JAKE ROGERS, A NOW RETIRED DOCTOR, WHOM'S WHEREABOUTS CONTINUE TO GO UNKNOWN DESPITE HEAVY SEARCHING. JANUARY 6TH, 2014 FURTHER ATTEMPTS TO LOCATE AND QUESTION JAKE ROGERS HAVE ENDED IN FAILURE, IT SEEMS HE AND HIS COMPANIONS REFUSE TO SHOW THEMSELVES AND CONTINUE TO MOVE AROUND, EVADING AUTHORITIES AT ALL COSTS. REPORT ADDED TO DATA BANKS. NOVEMBER 11TH, 2015 JOURNAL OF A ONE JAKE ROGERS HAS BEEN DEEMED UNCLASSIFIED, AND CAN NOW BE FOUND IN PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. VIEWERS BE ADVISED, WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ IS DISTURBING. [JOURNAL ENTRY 1 - VACATION BEGINS, STRANGE DISAPPEARANCES] Long trips had always been fun to us, we worked rather draining jobs so when we decided on our next vacation, we were excited about it. I and my wife had originally planned a trip to one of the more common beaches in the Bahamas or Florida, but we decided on a much more secluded place to be away from the masses. We're both a bit on the antisocial side. Public resorts and beaches tend to give us anxiety. We were content as we got the trip for an exceptionally good deal. We planned to leave sometime during July before it got too hot in August, but some issues with the family cropped up and we had to reschedule by a week. This was annoying but manageable, as we were planning to be gone at least 2 months. At first, we were worried we wouldn't have a view of the water but soon we learned that the place recently got renovated and had a brand new inn made for people seeking the more eye-candy getaways. This was the main reason we chose this place. Because of where I and my wife lived we had to take a flight there, it was cheaper than driving the entire distance as gas prices here easily skyrocket to stupid levels, and is despised by our family with the most white-hot of passions. Before leaving, we left our two kids with their grandparents and told them when we'd be back, saying our goodbyes as our kids had puppy eyes begging us not to leave. Now. I wish we had listened to them, for I fear we will never get to see them or our kin again. The journey to the airport itself was the most stressful part of the trip, as going through customs always ends with people thinking I was a damn suicide bomber or something. I'm sure most people wouldn't know what I mean but, you always have to be scanned for metallic objects and dangerous chemicals before you can even board the plane itself, which can also take forever especially if the airport is crowded. Unfortunately, we were packed so tight, there was barely a foot between us all. A good thirty minutes passed and we were finally allowed to board our plane. For those of you who are unaware, this is a private 3-man plane which consists of me, my wife, and the Pilot. So you can guess it isn't that big. It's just big enough to fit us and our carriage in the storage compartment in the back. A private plane is always a better option, but of course, he only charged 250 for the trip to the airport near our location of interest. While on the way, we decided to chat a little bit to pass the time. The pilot asked us, So, where are you lovely folks off to. To which I responded in kind, We work stressful jobs so we have planned a 2-month trip to a secluded beach. I replied, to which my wife said, Indeed, we got it for a fair price too, didn't we hun. She said with her cute accent, to which I spoke, Indeed we did, I'm very grateful to whom gave us this location. I replied back, as the pilot exclaimed, I hope you two have a lovely time! You'll likely see me again in two months to take you back. He said cheerfully, as I replied, Thanks! We appreciate it. The rest of the trip was silent, with me and my wife on Facebook, talking to our family while on the flight. For some context, my wife was a nurse, and I was a doctor. We both made a very hefty sum of 335, 000 a year combined because of our field of work, which enabled us to live very comfortably with our small family and we never went overboard with houses or vehicles. But, we had state-of-the-art phones that could maintain a long battery charge and a hefty internet connection to boot, they were good. Around 3 hours of flight, the pilot notified us we were close to our landing zone. 30 minutes later we were already down, unpacked, and on our way to a transit bus waiting to pick us up that we scheduled during the payment process. It came the trip since the Inn owned its own small transit section for buses to pick people up. They're small, but they get the job done. Fast and easy, just how we prefer it. From there on it was very simple to pack up our stuff on the bus, and make our way to Sebastian Inlet. While on the way to our destination, the surrounding thick brush and dark green trees provided very pleasant eye-candy. It was very beautiful, and since it was a breezy day the trees, thickets, and brush waved harmoniously in the breeze. Once arriving at the Inn we parked at Sector 24. To explain what that is, the Inn has 25 reserved spots at maximum for long-term reserved vacations as the Inn only sports 25 rooms, a large dining room, and a beautiful mounted deck out back to climb up to. The deck itself sports lounging chairs, umbrellas, the ability to order drinks and small snacks, as well as a plate-load of activities ranging from massages to mini-games, to dartboards. Inside the Inn is where the majority of the fun happens, serving up rare and exotic dishes from all around the world with many talented cooks and waitresses. Our first day was precise as most would expect. We sat down, had a meal or two, and indulged in some of the delicious, exotic deserts they had to offer us. Unfortunately, we weren't able to spend much time in the Inn dining area on the first day as we had spent most of the day traveling, and we were frankly very tired. We decided the next thing we could do before heading back to our room is to play a few mini-games, like beanbag toss for example. I and my wife were up against another couple, and we scored top by beating the opposing couple by a good 23-12. Back home we love playing this game as a pass time so we're both very adept at it. It was 8:30 when everyone decided to turn in, so I and my wife followed suit. A waiter stopped us and told us that our room was Room 24, the same corresponding number as our parking spot outside. I thanked the waiter for letting us know as we were really tired and ready to turn in. I wrapped my arm around my wife and we both walked casually down the aisle, sharing our opinions on the trip thus far. We knew after the first day it was gonna be awesome, but, we'd soon learn that we were very wrong. How could we have been so blind? It was obvious by the low payment on this trip that something would go wrong. No use in bickering over it now. Not two days after arriving at our vacation spot in Sebastian Inlet, Florida, we started to notice some. strange happenings. It was very apparent by the circumstances that were unfolding right before our very eyes. We grew nervous. Unable to focus and even worse still, we felt so isolated. So disconnected from the world we had left behind. Around 5 hours after falling asleep, roughly 2 A. M., we noticed some strange noises coming from way down the hall. It was... Muffled, to say the least. We didn't think much of it of course after all most couples come here to get away but also to have a little fun without their kids around to hear or intervene. It felt like 10 minutes or so, and the sounds finally stopped. Before long we were back asleep, not thinking much of it of course. The next morning we decided to head out for coffee. The morning sun peeled through the blinds in our bedroom window. I rose out of bed, greeting the new day with a fresh smile and decided to let my wife sleep for a bit longer. She deserved it given how hard she works. I left her a note telling her I went to get some coffee for us both. Upon leaving the dorm room I hooked a right turn and made my way back down the aisle we had traveled down the night before. The rooms were numbered from 1 to 25, the last room, 25, is the one to our left. Room 25 was empty as no one had supposedly taken up that spot in the Inn. It didn't cross my mind once more after that. As I made my way down the aisle, I noticed room 1 at the very end was vacant. This wasn't right, I knew there was someone in that room last night. Where could they have gone? I pondered on it and concluded that perhaps they only registered one night and were locals. I continued to the dining room to grab some coffee, it was free with the trip, mind you. After that, I made my way down the aisle again, back to my dorm room. By the time I made it back, she was awake, washing her face with warm water. I could never get over how gorgeous she was even without makeup. Her long, black hair dangling over her shorts and those deep blue eyes. I then had the idea to document the entire trip in a small journal I happened to bring along with us that I was uncertain would have any use, now, of course, I'm glad I decided to bring it with us. I walked over to my wife, handed her the cup of coffee I got for her and sipped on mine, How'd you sleep love. She asked, I slept alright hun, what about you. I replied, to which she responded, That's good. Did you notice anything last night? Any sounds. she said lowly. "Yea. The people in room 1 decided to vacate last night. I responded. She nodded in understanding, and we took it off our minds. The rest of the day we continued as normal, enjoying the delights of the Inn. We were finally allowed to go out on the beach since our schedule was now cleaned up and ready for a long 2 months relaxation of no responsibilities. As adults, being rich enough to enjoy freedom like this now and then is a very good blessing. However, we've always been considerate of others in life, helping when and wherever we could. Not everyone is blessed with being able to go on trips like us, and we try our best to be as humble as possible to those around us. We even live in a basic home. The beach was clean, warm and relaxing. We spent a good 4 or so hours out there doing typical stuff, such as sunbathing, walking up and down the beach with fingers interlocked together, swimming in the low tides, sitting under an umbrella and drinking a beer or two. But after that, we decided to head back inside and spend the rest of the day doing exactly what we did before. Talking to the nice folds around, enjoying a good meal and some mini-games, and dancing the day away in bliss. By the time 10 PM rolled around, I told my wife I was tried, and she was as well. We said goodbye to the others in our group and got up, making our way slowly down the corridor once again to our room. As we passed by room 1 I gave it a curious stare and wondered why they'd leave so soon, a place like this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people who can afford it. As we passed I shook my head and continued, holding my wife close to me as we slid slowly down the aisle, eyes very heavy. We were soon dead asleep, and before long we heard everyone else following suit, returning to their respective dorm rooms. All was good until 2 AM yet again, shuffling, people leaving, muffled voices in the distance. What the heck? Again? By now I was starting to get worried. Why would people be coming and going so quickly when the place only takes reservations for longer than a week at the least? The next morning, I pondered it. Once again not saying a word to my wife about it, my worry growing. Could something paranormal be going on here? I've never been an avid believer in ghost stories and horror movies, merely believing them to be nothing more the entertainment. I wrote it off as just people being pricks at first, thinking it would end. It did not. More nights passed, and every night someone was taken. One by one the rooms were emptied, the place quickly becoming vacant. What was worse, was that the staff were growing more and more... mysterious. I couldn't stop my worry. 10 days passed, and every night someone was taken. It never stopped, and by the time night 24 rolled around, we soon learned why people were disappearing. On the 24th night, we were the only ones left in the Inn. My questions combined with my restlessness put worry in my wife's heart. I tried speaking with anyone to find out what was going on. None of the staff replied. It was almost as if I was not even there to them. They remained silent as statues, going on about work as if we never existed. I had tried canceling the trip, but none of the staff would respond to us. See this Inn trip can only be canceled by signing out through the Inn's manager, who was nowhere to be found. Perhaps he was busy elsewhere? But no, this is his job. He's supposed to be here at all times during the weekdays. If we tried to leave without consulting the Manager then the contract we signed to take this trip would be revoked and give them the right to take us to court. I was stupid to believe it would all be fine. That night, we slept like rocks. But soon, I heard rustling down the aisle. Perhaps my wife had got up to go get a drink? I sleepily looked over, my eyes still heavy and crusty from sleeping to see her beside me still, sound asleep. I shrugged, assuming it was the staff team perhaps cleaning the isles and trying to remain positive about things no matter how mysterious the circumstances were. I heard nothing from that point on, but by the time 2 AM rolled around again is where we learned the truth. The door was slammed open quick as a flash, startling me and my wife awake, but we didn't have time to react as 2 black figures had rags with chloroform on them, and pressed them against both our faces. I struggled with all my might to be let go but soon passed out. Their speed was so fast it was inhuman. I woke hours later to find me and my wife were both tied up inside a massive cage. We weren't the only ones in the cage. We saw the others whom we thought left, but we were kidnapped. I looked around, and they were all beyond scared, their eyes wide, some crying and some struggling and screaming, begging to be let go. I had never been so terrified in all my life. I felt like a cornered animal at that very moment, and all I could do was give my wife something to lean on. She was terrified and balling her eyes out. I felt the warmth of her tears trickling down my neck as she buried her face into it. I felt so many emotions. Anger, terror, sadness, concern. Helplessness. [JOURNAL ENTRY 2 - IMPRISONMENT AND TRANSPORTATION] The cage we were in, it was unlike any I had seen before. It looked. Alien in origin, completely different from any known material I had ever seen before. As a Doctor, I know a lot about organic tissue. The cage itself was made out of something alive. Everyone else was unable to notice as they didn't know what to look for, but I saw what looked like pores, and some skin-like wrinkles. The texture was slippery and smooth to the touch, I couldn't fully grasp what it was but it felt like an Octopus. Outside the cage looked like a large, conical room. From what I could tell it looked as if we were inside a cone-shaped object, with rounded off ends. It felt like we were moving, and I heard creaking sounds from the object as if something was pushing against it from the outside. We're we. Out at sea? I may enjoy going to the beach, but as far as being in the ocean I despise the thought of being in a void of water to where I could not see the bottom. Could we have been in a submarine? My mind hoped so. To my horror, the sea-sick feeling rolling around in my gut told me otherwise. I look at the walls of the large cone-shaped object we were inside and I grimaced at the sight I saw. From the minimal light in the structure combined with my squinting, I could make out what looked like veins pumping blood all around in many different directions. The color of the thing appeared to be that of deep green, almost black, like seaweed. My eyes looked up and I nearly threw up at what I saw. Tendrils were swishing around on the ceiling, and they were pinkish in coloration. The scary part, however, was the fact they were covered from tip to tip in barbs, and I saw one as clear as day moving down to a cage in the center of the room. I heard echoing screams of terror as the tendril reached into a cage and slammed tight around a person, the voice sounded like a woman, and another a man. I saw blood shoot out from the puncture marks of the barbs and I looked away, throwing up violently. As soon as I recomposed myself I dared to look back, trying to control the intense feeling of horror and helplessness in me, but I couldn't. The tendrils squeezed the woman like an anaconda. I heard bones cracking under the immense force as the tendril then rapidly retreated into the darkness above us. A massive mouth opened up at the top revealing huge teeth, and a nearly endless pit upwards as the tendril threw the corpse of the woman up and proceeded to eat it. I started losing it. I banged on the cage with all my might, screaming, begging to be released from this hell but it was useless. I recoiled and broke down into tears. I could feel my wife trying to comfort me, near losing it herself as I remembered grasping her and hugging her tight. I felt her tears hit my skin once again, it felt awful, we didn't deserve this but it was happening. I looked up, trying to find out more about the place and I saw far more cages then I did originally. My eyes stressing hard against the dark. There must've been at least 100 cages in this large, living organism, each one housing around 50 people each. It was now evident to me that there was 1000's of people trapped in this creature but woe unto us, it was only just starting. More and more people in the center of the room were being eaten, presumably to keep the transport creature sustained while the rest of us were being moved somewhere. I had no idea where we were anymore. I tried looking at my phone but got no signal. We were far away from civilization and I couldn't control my body or my tears. So many people were trying to break the cages to no avail, some were even trying to scale them. It was a horrific sight to behold, and the only solace I and my wife had was that our family was safe at least. I looked up once again and noticed a dim shade of yellow in several places. They looked like glowing sacks of pulsating goo and organs that illuminated most of the top of the structure. I remember looking to my wife at that moment, knowing we would likely not be long for this world. As her eyes met mine I couldn't help but grasp her hands, trying to assure her that we would be okay, that all of this was just some horrible prank and nothing bad was happening. It was hopeless, the reality of our situation soon set in stone and I could feel everyone around us come to acceptance with their fate as over time the screaming stop. People had begun to lose the will to struggle against it. Tendrils picked the ones in the central part of the room off one by one until only a hand full were left. I held my wife, at least somewhat happy she was beside me. Even if we did die there we'd be in each other's arms like many couples in the past, holding hands till death do them part. I could still hear the whimpering and crying from wives here and there, or even the banging on the cages by a few male inmates. Soon, however, something shifted. And everyone felt it. The creature stopped abruptly. But why? We soon realized why. Doors began to open with an organic gurgling sound, 4 of them at different sections of the room. I saw what looked like humanoids, but unlike anything, I ever saw before. Their bodies were made up of a combination of chitin and tendrils, their eyes elevated up on stalks and as alien looked as one could imagine. Their hands looked like lobster claws and their feet were nothing more then tendril-like appendages they used to slide along the floor. Their mouths were circular with jagged, serrated teeth. It looked as if they simply tossed food in and their teeth grinding it up before swallowing. A twisted sight indeed. I heard more gurgling noises like a door to our cage opened. I felt a very painful stinging sensation in my back as I cried out in pain, turning around to see one of the creatures demanding us to get up in a language I didn't understand. We were soon rounded up like cattle and forced to walk in an orderly line out of the cage. The creatures appeared armed with tendrils used to whip disobeying slaves into submission to do as they told, and at certain times both me and my wife felt them. It felt like pins and needles tearing at my flesh as blood trickled down the wounds. We exited the conical-shaped living prison and my eyes widened. We were indeed in the ocean, and it was so dark outside I couldn't see a thing. We were in a tube made of what looked like a form of glass and once again a living, breathing entity. It looked like one of those walkways underwater you'd see in popular aquariums. I heard what sounded like a slow beating heartbeat down the aisle as we were escorted by the alien-looking monsters. The isles themselves appeared to stand 15 feet tall with yellow, glowing orbs of light like before, all connecting to one central, massive dome at the center. From where I stood it looked upwards of 25 miles wide from all 4 corners, like an alien dome housing a city made of flesh. It was all dark green with disgusting, wriggling creatures on them that I'd only describe in a horror film if I happened to be a director. But this was far from a film, it was real. Outside the domes I saw massive glowing orbs being held in place by massive, moving tendrils that illuminated the entire sea in the region. I heard a low growling from the living structures as they towered like Kaijus around us. As we reached the end of the tunnel we saw the massive living city up close, with 10, 000's or 100, 000's of them. Creatures as far as the eye could see. I didn't have enough time to take it in as I felt my wife being pulled away from me, I looked overhearing her screaming my name and crying as a creature tried to break us up, it's strength winning over mine as I screamed out and cried back, 2 other creatures coming to restrain me as I tried to stop them from taking her. More creatures separated the other women from the men as they took her to a room I could not see into. Us men were moved elsewhere. We were lead, most of us in tears and unable to fight back, down into what looked like a cavern. The creatures forced a form of pick-ax into our hands and forced us to start digging new areas down into the ground for what must've been breeding grounds for these things. We worked for what felt like hours before being allowed to leave to take a break, given a tiny dorm room to recuperate in. In the distance I heard women screaming, and what sounded like clapping noises. My heart sank deep. [JOURNAL ENTRY 3 - TRAGEDY] I knew I had to escape somehow. But how would I? And how could I possibly get out of here with my wife without being noticed? I didn't even know entirely where my wife was. I had a rough idea of where she would be, but that's barely anything to go on. While on break I looked around my cell. For some reason, they gave me everything needed to relax, but other then that, it was beyond depressing. The fact I was imprisoned miles beneath the waves in a place I never knew existed was haunting. I started remembering things my dad taught me. He's dead now of course, but I am certainly glad I learned strategic things and combat abilities from him. As for my mom, she was also in the military, as a computer hacker and communications officer. Between the two of them, I learned a lot. I was able to secretly fashion a lock pick out of things in the room and during the nights I would use what I made to sneak out and look around. The creatures slept like normal humans, and most slept in strange pods. The pods themselves were organic just like everything else, and very few things were made of metal or other alloys. My guess is certain organic tissue is very durable against the stress of the ocean. As far as technology goes they seemed to be just as advanced, if not more so, then us humans. On the first night, I simply walked around cautiously. The few guards that were stationed were pretty much unable to see well in the dark, so I could use that to my advantage. They took a liking to dark environments. Not only that, they didn't have eyes. They had sensory organs I could evade rather simply. While looking around I wasn't able to find much of interest, so I ended up heading back to my room and pretending I did not escape. I didn't see any cameras or security recordings so that wasn't an issue. I guess they wouldn't expect someone to be able to escape their confinements so easily. The next day, we were sent back to work and by the time I got back, my muscles ached. But I couldn't stop. I needed to find a way to escape and possibly get as many out with me as I could. But above all else, I had to find my wife. The next night I cautiously broke out of my cell again and explored some more. I was able to learn a lot about the anatomy of the buildings by observing them with my clinical teachings. As a doctor, you're supposed to know these things. The buildings may have been organic, but they still functioned like modern tech, showing a technological and biological connection. This would cause several breakthroughs for humanity as a whole, but I wouldn't be able to backward-engineer such accomplishments in such a short period, nor did I even have the means to bring them back with me. On the same night, I learned that the creatures have smaller submarines lined up in aisle that you crawl into. I was able to figure out how they worked, and over a week I told everyone near me how to operate them. They all gave me their best wishes on discovering more. On the 8th day, my muscles felt like jelly, and about to collapse. But I was driven by a deep desire for freedom, and the will to escape. However, I learned something that still haunts my memories to this day. Upon leaving my cell on the 8th night, cautiously sneaking around and evading guards I stumbled upon a room. It looked like a storage depo. Jackpot! I quietly broke into the room, and what I saw confused me. I saw a staircase leading down, so I followed it. This didn't make sense. With every additional step down I questioned why a storage depo would have stairs only that go down and not have any sort of weapons, food, or supplies. When I reached the bottom I saw a doorway that was entitled, Hybrid Room 1" I paused briefly, questioning what that meant. As I entered the room I almost vomited from the smell. It wasn't gross smelling, but it was very strong and salty in odor. The room itself had another door with a see-through window and the smell was coming out of that door. Upon walking over my heart dropped into my stomach. I saw several women, propped up with their lower halves in a spread eagle. None of them had any clothes on from the looks of it. I quietly entered and I saw they had been using our wives as reproductive pigs. I felt my heartbreaking as I felt bad for them. Their cries in agony were awful, and it echoed into my eardrums endlessly. Every single one of them had over-sized stomachs, blood everywhere, and some green substance on them. The green substance I didn't dare touch. I knew what it was. As I moved further down I saw a number above the section which made my stomach curl. "24" It bloody said 24. I rushed over and to my horror, I saw... my wife. I broke down into tears heavily right there and I felt my instinctive self rush over to lift her into my arms. She was barely awake, and all I could do was whimper her name, A-Adela! Please, wake up. I saw her eyes slowly open, and she hugged me tight crying as soon as she saw me. "Oh, Jake. It hurts so much. They used us as. She whimpered out painfully, to which I shushed her, S-Save your energy, my love, I'll get you out of here I swear to it. She smiled appreciatively, but then frowned, Hun. I-It's. Too late for me. Go, save yourself. Get as many of the others out as you can. But I and the other women won't survive. I stutter screamed out, N-NO! I won't leave you here! I can't. What would the kids think if I just left you here. My wife was unable to utter another word, she, as well as several other women, started to scream. I stepped back in pure horror as I watch her stomach shrink slowly. And out of her popped several creatures. Each of them carrying loads of blood out with them and as the last disgusting creature left her, she collapsed back onto the bed. The last shreds of life faded from her blue marbles for eyes as they turned grey. In a rage, I killed every single one of the creatures they put inside her. I left not a one alive, and my hands were soaked in green blood mixed with my wife's. I ran over to her and shook her, trying to wake her up. She was dead. Several tears streamed down my face as I cleaned off one of my hands, and closed her eyes with 2 fingers. I kissed her deeply one last time while her lips were still warm, and held her one last time too. "I swear to you. They will pay for this. In some way, I will make them pay. Be at peace, loving wife. And an amazing mother. I struggled to let her go, but I knew I had to. I forcibly pulled myself away and cleaned up the mess I made as to make things seem like they didn't survive the birth process. I then returned the doors to their places before I entered and quietly made my way back to my cell. Upon returning I collapsed in the bed, balling my eyes out. I opened my eyes, and I swear I saw the spirit of my wife staring back, smiling at me reassuringly that I'd be okay. Then as quickly as she appeared, she faded. I rolled over onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. I felt a loneliness I had never known before in my life up until this point. It felt like a spear had been impaled into my heart leaving a massive, gaping hole. That whole night, I did not sleep. My eyes stayed wide and staring directly at the ceiling hoping what I had witnessed was no more than a horrible dream. But try as I might, there is no way what I had seen was just imagination. The only solace I had in me, was that I would make them pay. JOURNAL ENTRY 4 - THE ESCAPE - FINALE] My wife was dead, nothing would change that. All I could do was swear to her I would make it out, and find some way to destroy them in the process. I already had a good head start as I learned of several major infrastructures around the living city, so my goals were clear: Inform the other inmates, tell them the plan, use the next tonight to stage a breakout, and run. There were certainly plenty of biological and technological mini-subs to do the job right. Just enough for all 12 of us. The next night came quickly. Once I explained the plan to them, I quietly broke all of their cage locks and told them to get ready. I would stage the breakout and make it a clear B-Line to the escape area. After that, I crouched down and made my way slowly through the curving tunnels and passageways. The whole trip took at least 20 minutes to reach my goal: The Reactor Core. Because of my tinkering, I learned that without it the city would have no power, and without power, it would be nearly pitch black but with just enough light. It could also be rigged to trigger an unstoppable 5-minute count down to a self-destruct, which would send the city crashing down into the depths of the ocean, well below its crush depth and taking the foul creatures with it. As I made my way to the reactor core, I quickly overloaded every pump in the place, which would cause the water pumps to slowly overheat and overload, adding water to the inside in just under 15 minutes. After that, I flipped the main switches off and tore them out. This set off a blaring, alien-like alarm that rang through the city. A countdown started and I instantly bolted back for the exit. Because I could run without fears of being heard I was quickly able to make my way back, but just by the skin of my teeth. By the time I made it back, several small explosions were bringing down buildings all inside the city. They shrieked in agony further solidifying my suspicions of them being living entities rather than just buildings. As soon as I made it back we split into groups. I and 3 others hopped into one mini sub organism, while the other 8 hopped into 2 different ones. The controls were simple, no more complex than the average boat as we threw the throttle into high gear, aiming for the surface as we shot up. Behind us, another massive explosion took place which sank the city instantly. We heard an ear-piercing shriek as a massive tendril swung right in front of the mini-sub, I adverted us away in the nick of time but unfortunately, the 2 other mini-subs were destroyed. The tendril was huge, so massive I couldn't see the entire thing. The city wasn't at all a collection of several entities, it was one massive one. I was just glad we were getting away. Still, we paused for a moment to give prayers to the ones who had died, including our wives. After that, we got out of there. It had been almost 10 days since any of us saw the light of day, and finally, we saw it again. The beautiful, blue sky above us, and no longer in permanent darkness. I set a course for Florida. I made sure to take us far away from that accursed Inn where it all started, and as we finally ran aground on an uncharted beach, we all hopped out and took in the fresh, salty air. A sigh of relief came from us all, but every one of us was deeply depressed. We knew in our hearts we couldn't return to our families lest they think us insane. We decided to build a small shack deep in the woods to live somewhat normal lives. We all worked together to make a life for ourselves. It was indeed hard, but we pulled through. Whereas our story could've ended and I wouldn't be sitting here at this desk writing this in the hopes someone would find it, it didn't. And I was allowed to live to warn everyone of the threats we face from the deep. This is a warning, to anyone who would seek out a new kind of adventure, I advise steering clear of low-price Inns near the beach. They are not who they claim to be. Stay safe, and do not trust the ocean. To whoever finds this. I urge you to inform the public of these happenings. The last thing I want is for others to suffer the same fate I and my friends did. I know you'll try to find us, but it won't work out in your favor. We don't wish to be found. Just please, heed our warning. End this nightmare once and for all. I shall leave the coordinates for the location of roughly where we were. The navigation computer on the still-functioning mini-sub should prove useful. DECEMBER 16TH, 2016 FURTHER INVESTIGATION SHOWS A LARGE CRATER OFF THE COAST OF FLORIDA ROUGHLY 10 MILES ACROSS. CORRESPONDS HEAVILY TO THE WRITINGS OF JAKE ROGERS IN HIS JOURNAL ENTAILING HIS STORY. FURTHER INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN CLASSIFIED, REGION CONSIDERED A MAJOR HAZARD ZONE. ALL MILITARY PERSONNEL ARE TO SET UP A PERMANENT PERIMETER AROUND THE DESCRIBED LOCATION UNTIL DEEMED OTHERWISE. TERMINATION OF INVESTIGATION COMPLETE. PROCEED WITH TASK 2.
Extreme Frugal Tips. Warning this is a REALLY long post Dog Tax: Excel finance tracking: Here we go…Im posting on my frugal living with REAL examples from my life. Single female aged 48 living in the mid-west. I started my adult life with a high school education and low paying jobs until I hit 30. Today my net worth is more than a million and I love my life…I want for nothing and Im very content. Read on if you dare…some of this stuff may scare you… Career I didnt start college till I was 26, prior to that I was in low paying dead-end jobs and as a result I started my adult life being a penny-pincher. I got a BS and 2 MS degrees in the STEM field at state schools while working full time jobs (close to minimum wage till I graduated with my BS. I applied for academic scholarships (and got some) and I took out the minimal I could in student loans. I paid them all back within 5 years. I had to relocate for my first job out of college. It was 2002 and I started out at 44, 000 salaried a year (50 hours weeks, no overtime and working on 2 Masters degrees in my free time) So…I started my professional career at age 30, climbed the corporate ladder, relocated several times and went into management. I worked long hours, on-call 24/7, lots of stress and kept increasing my salary for 16 years. I started to contribute to my retirement when I turned 30. As soon as I could (I think around 36 after I paid of my student loan debts) I maxed out my 401K and ROTH every year. At my highest salary, at age 46, I was making 140, 000 year (remember – I started at age 30 at 44, 000 and increased to 140, 000 by the time I was 46. I ALWAYS continued to live frugally and saved. I own my house outright and have no debt and plenty in savings. I dont have a pension. My retirement is all in a 401K and IRAs, traditional and ROTH Once I was financially established I took a 60% lower paying job at a University. Im 48 and because I live frugally I could probably retire (FIRE) but I like to have something to do. I also enjoy the social aspect of work and a feeling of purpose. I have no stress, great benefits, loads of time off and have never worked more than 40 hours a week in this job and no weekends, holiday…etc. I set my own hours and have no direct reports. Im currently working 6:30am – 2:30 pm in the winter so I can hike with my dog after work before it gets dark. It was a very good move for me. Ill probably work here into my mid 60s just because its so cushy Health I exercise. I walk about 7 miles a day I eat pretty healthy, dont smoke, dont drink pop and I dont drink alcohol (anymore…. Sometimes I miss a good craft beer but its better for my stomach and sleep without it I have medical, dental, vision through work. My plans cost me 56 a month I have the high deductible plan and max out my HSA but I only end up using a few hundred a year. Whatever is in my HSA when I retire will help cover retirement medical expenses. My deductible is 2, 000. I use the in-network specialists when I need too I work at a university so I use the health center for non-specialist stuff which is 25 co-pay. I get a preventive visit free every year – general physical and well woman/mammogram I pay for prescriptions with my health plan or GoodRX. GoodRX is sometimes cheaper. Also some meds are cheaper if you get a 3 month supply by mail (but not all. Some OTC meds such as generic Claritin for allergies and Generic Prilosec for acid reflux are 0 or cheap if you get a prescription I get 2 dental cleanings and 1 vision exam free every year. I get 1-pair of bifocals free If I need reading glasses they are 1 at Dollar Tree I buy generic ibuprofen / first aid stuff in bulk. I keep it to the basics I never pass on free stuff. My dental plan pays for 2 free cleanings/exam a year, so I ALWAYS get my 2 free cleanings a year. My health plan pays for one free physical a year, so I ALWAYS get my one free physical a. Food I spend less than 100 a month on food and beverages. I dont buy any processed food. I cook from scratch in bulk and I freeze. I enjoy cooking. I use lots of veggies in my evening meal. A typical day of food might include: a. 2 large cups of coffee will milk and stevia b. Oatmeal with chia, flax, almond flour, blueberries and a banana OR eggs on homemade toast OR homemade pancakes OR homemade breakfast burritos OR. I make my own bread. Yeast, flour, water, salt, stevia and a bread machine I got at Goodwill for 5 c. Fruit or veg snack (seasonal) d. Beans and rice with seasonings (work lunch) e. Fruit or veg snack (seasonal) f. Dinner – might be spaghetti, chilli, chicken noodle soup, lasagna, grilled chicken with veggies, curry. Each meal works out to under 1. 50. I dont use much meat in my recipes but I do use a ton of veg g. Homemade yogurt h. I drink lots of black tea or herbal tea throughout the day. I drink tap water i. I get my fix of sweet stuff at work. Someones always bringing in home baked goods 2) I shop at Aldi and Walmart, mostly Aldi 3) I buy all my condiments in bulk: spices, chicken stock, oil, stevia (also concentrated) almond flour, chia, flax, rice, pasta…etc. I get some of this on Amazon because it works out cheaper. I make my own yougurt. 1 gallon yogurt = the price of a gallon of milk. It's easy to do. 4) I love this one…I save my teabags. After Ive used 2 teabags I make another cup of tea from them. I like herbal tea. The cheapest I can find is Celestial Seasonings on Amazon. By stretching the box of 20 teabags to 30 large cups of tea I save 35 year (assuming I drink 3 cups of tea a day. Over 40 years at 7% interest thats 1500 saved. Its not an issue for me and the flavor is the same 5) I only eat out a couple of times a year for social reasons and I dont buy an appetizer or dessert and I only drink water. I tip 20% if service is good. I refuse to go to expensive restaurants. I want an entrée under 15. Honestly, I like my cooking better 6) I dont drink pop or alcohol 7) I own a chest freezer and loads of plastic food containers. Most of the meals I cook are freezable and microwavable 8) I buy the large tub of coffee from Aldi. Its like 4. 50 and lasts 3 weeks. Tastes fine to me but then I would never drop 5 + tip on a cup of coffee 9) I only buy meat, fruit and veg when its under 1 pound. I make an exception for ground beef and blueberries, raspberries…etc. (they have to be under 1 for 6oz. I don't use much meat. Example: I use 1lb ground beef to make 12 frozen spaghetti dinners BUT I use lots of peppers, onions, mushrooms in-place of the beef. Example. When 8oz packages of baby bella mushrooms go on sale, I buy 12 of them. I wash, chop and cook them and then freeze them in 4 separate containers. Each container will be used in a big batch of spaghetti or Lasagna or mushroom soup., when blueberries go on sale for 0. 89 cents for 6oz I buy twelve packages and freeze. 1 package is used to make 10 oatmeal breakfasts 10) I never buy name brand and I always search for reduced fruit/veg, meat…etc. 11) I do check the local flyers for sales. only shop once a week and I combine trips to save gas. House I brought the cheapest house in a really good neighborhood in a mid-west University town. Im in the third highest rated school district in the USA for STEM (per 2019 Newsweek article. I have a 1950s 1500sqft, 3 bed, 2 bath ranch with 2-car attached garage, separate laundry room, living and family room, large screened in-porch. I paid 135, 000 for it and my taxes are 1500 a year. Its bigger than I wanted but its what I had to do to get into my neighborhood. Houses like mine sell in a day with multiple offers over asking. I had to put some work into the house and spend some. I fixed it up so its now one of the nicest houses in the neighborhood and worth 35% more than I paid for it. I did some work myself such as painting and laying the laminate floor. I will stay here until I retire and then decide where I want to spend my retirement years. Central Florida is dirt cheap with no state taxes + low housing costs but I am not sure I can handle the heat and humidity. I have a high deductible on my home insurance but I max out my liability coverage. I have a high net worth so if someone tries to sue me I want to make sure Im covered and I dont have to pay out of my pocket. I have extras like sewer/water line coverage, sewer/water back-up because the lines in my neighborhood are old and you see peoples yards dug up all the time. I pay my policy in full and it works out to 75 a month In the winter, I keep my heat at 55 when Im not home or in bed and 60 when Im home. I wear wool thermal leggings and tops under my clothes all winter long at home. They are soft and comfy. I wear slippers. When Im lazing on the couch I snuggle under an electric blanket and with the dog. I have a down comforter on the bed. The dog loves the cold. In the summer I wear shorts and a tank top (hence why I shave in the summer) and I keep the AC around 76 as the dog gets too hot I change my furnace filters every 2 months with the cheap ones I keep my water heating on a warm setting. When I run the shower I turn the hot all the way and its plenty hot enough for me Household maintenance/repairs I cut my own grass, do my own yard work and clean my own house I do what repairs I can myself. I U-tube it. I buy stuff from Menards and get the 11% rebate. Im not very handy or physically strong so I only tackle simple things I dont do a furnace/AC service every year. I lived in my last house 9 years and my furnace/AC were 20 years old when I sold it. I never did a service (other than change filters) and I never had a problem If I have to hire a big job (i. e. roof, furnace, crawlspace) I always get 3 quotes and try to negotiate the price after Ive received the quote in writing. Then I ask for a cash discount. If I have to replace something I try to go with a quality no-name brand. I do my research I use LED lightbulbs and I turn my lights off when Im not using a room I unplug appliances if I dont use them at least every other day. Exception is for larger items like stove, fridge, washer, dyer, freezer Car I enjoy a nice, safe car. I drive a 2008, 12-year old limited edition Subaru outback. I brought it when it was 1-year old with 30, 000 miles for cash on E-bay. I paid 20, 000 for it. It has 126, 000 miles. I will drive it till it dies I only have liability insurance but I max out my coverage. I have a high net worth so if Im at fault in an accident I want to make sure Im covered and I dont have to pay out of my pocket. I also have roadside assistance with my insurance company for towing, flat tire I pay in full every 6 months and also have my home-owners insurance policy with them. My car insurance works out to 40 a month I get an oil change, tire rotation and fluid top-off every 5, 000 miles with a coupon for 19. 99. Its a local place and they are really good about telling me if they see any issues. I replace my own air filters, head lamp I take it to a reputable import mechanic when I need too. Much less than the dealer I combine errands one day a week to save miles. I live 3. 8 miles from work and I do drive an average of 2-4 miles to hike with the dog. I average 6, 000 miles a year I keep my car clean. I wash, wax myself at home with a garden hose. I dont use high dollar cleaning products. I use dish soap to wash it and I do a hand wax on it once a year Internet/TV/Cell I have the most basic package Internet available. Its still expensive at 60 a month and it drives me crazy I have to pay that. I dont have Cable. I have an antenna for local stations I have Amazon prime (see my post on shopping. I also switch between Netflix, Hulu, Acorn…etc. about every 3 months so I dont get bored. I stream TV, Movies, Music from my library for free via the Hoopla App. It's 100% FREE. Get a library card! I own my smartphone outright and will use it till it dies. I use Mint Mobile (17 month with tax. 2g data is enough for me as home and work have WIFI Kitchen & Cleaning I do my dishes by hand once a day. I do not fill the sink full with water and I dont leave my water running when Im scrubbing. Airdry. Yes, I have a dishwasher, it came with the house, but I just dont use it. Besides those dishwasher packets are pricey! I use Ajax dish soap that I dilute 1:1 with water and use a pump dispenser. I buy the large bottles at Menards and get the 11% rebate I buy my scrub sponges in a pack from the Dollar Tree. I throw them in the washing machine with my clothes when they get grungy. I have one scrub brush Ive had for years I wash and reuse my Ziploc baggies over and over. I dont buy name brand – I get from Dollar tree. Same with tin foil I have loads of microwave/freezer safe plastic food containers. Ive had them years. I freeze so much food I have a chest freezer I recycle everything I can to reduce the use of trash bags. In-fact I have a tight closing trash can so I only need to start a new trash bag once every 2 weeks as it doesnt stink up the house. I buy the tough no-name drawstrings ones in bulk. The flimsy ones break or leak and create a mess Dont use paper towels ever. Use washable cloths, tea Dont buy all the latest gadgets and if you must have something check out your local charity shops, Facebook Marketplace & buy/sell groups or Craigslist I typically stick with 2 cleaning supplies, I could make my own I guess. I use 1 glass cleaner and 1 generic orange cleaner. I wash my floors with diluted dish soap. I have a broom, dustpan/ brush, a Shark vacuum with canister with washable filters (that I brought refurbished for about 80 and Ive had years) a mop with washable cover. I also use recycled toothbrushes, scrubbie pads and cloths. I dont use disposable cleaning supplies like disposable wipes, those throw away dusting pads, floor cleaning pads…etc. Everything I use is reusable and washable Laundry Only wash your clothes if they are dirty! I do 1 load of laundry a week for clothes and 1 load of laundry a month for my sheets and towels. I rotate my pillows (I have 2 so one side a week for 4 weeks. I shower every day so sheets stay clean and dont get stinky. Speaking of sheets, I buy high quality 500 thread count cotton sheets - they are so soft and comfy and last for years. A couple of times a year I might wash my blankets, comforter…etc. I wear my dress jeans all week for work and I rarely wash my nice tops/sweaters as I wear a t-shirt under them. I wear my dog walking clothes and wool thermals all week. Wool doesnt get stinky and dog walking jeans get muddy the first walk so might as well wear them all week. I always wash in luke warm water Airdry clothes or put a large dry towel in the dryer. If I use the dryer Im typically dry in 20 mins on medium. Im not frugal here and do use the dryer more often than not. I hate hanging clothes and ironing them I dont have many white or light colored clothes. They stain too easily. I look better in dark jewel colors anyway I use Purex laundry detergent. I use the 300oz bottle with 200 loads and I really do use the amount they recommend for 1 load so it lasts me a few years. I get it for 8. 99 at Menards with an additional 11% rebate. I tried homemade but this is better (for me) If you have to use dryer sheets, cut them into quarters. Personally, Im fine with nothing in the dryer If you have to use a stain remover add 1 scoop of Dollar Tree Awesome Orange Oxygen cleaner to the washing machine or make a paste and rub into stain (compare to OxyClean) Clothing If I need clothes, which is rarely, I buy everything except underwear and socks from the charity shops. Usually Goodwill on the first Saturday of the month when everything is ½ off Speaking of underwear and socks, I buy dark colored because they dont look grungy. I have 7 pairs of knickers, 3 bras, 14 pairs of socks as my feet get wet sometimes hiking. Thats it. I rarely have to replace them and yes I do change them every day! I think my current stash of knickers, bras and socks have lasted me over 5 years. I got everything from Kohls when they have a big sale, 30% coupon and 15 cash back if you spend 50. I buy for comfort and durability, not fashion (no ones sees me in my undies anymore and I like my granny panties - see my section on dating. I have wool socks I buy some shoes new, such as hiking shoes. However I do check the charity shops, Poshmark…etc. for lightly used I have a very minimal wardrobe and shoes. I buy classic clothing and not the latest fad I have a few pieces of jewelry. Sterling silver and amber necklace, earrings ring and also mother of pearl. I have another set thats real gold with fake diamonds(you cant tell they are fake. have a few accessories such as scarfs and decorative hair clips Personal care I shower once a day for 5 mins. I use one high quality soft, thick cotton dark colored towel for everything and wash my towel once every month with my clothes. Im clean after a shower and its just water! Ive had the towel for about 5 years. I do wash my washcloth every week with my clothes I have an electric toothbrush that Ive had for years. I replace the head every couple of months with a generic one I get of Amazon in a multi-pack. I floss. I have sensitive teeth so I buy a multi-pack of sensitive toothpaste from Amazon. It works out cheaper than Walmarts house brand. I could get a sensitive toothpaste from Dollar Tree but I dont trust anything from China to go in or on mine or my dogs body. I go to the Dentist twice a year for cleaning. This is covered through my work health insurance. I brush my teeth for 2 mins and I don't let the water run when I do this. I don;t rinse my mouth on the advice of my dentist - let the sensitive toothpaste sink in I have very few products. Suave shampoo and conditioner that I transfer into a pump bottle and I use one pump of each every time I shower. I use diluted Dawn dish soap in a pump dispenser to wash my face and body with a washcloth and yes, I love it. I dont lather up my entire body every time, just my private and sweaty areas. I use a mens razor from Dollar Tree to shave (which is really only in the summer. I use Suave deodorant. I use a cheap oil free moisturizer on my face. Its around 5 and it lasts months. I rarely wear make-up and if I do its big box store, basic and the same items (same eyeshadow, blush, lip colors. I havent brought any make-up in years. I have one bottle of nice perfume that lasts years. If I curl my hair, put my make-up on and dress up in my charity shop clothes I look like a million bucks for pennies on the dollar! I keep my hair one length with bangs and I dont color it. I have medium brown hair. I cut my own bangs every couple of months and I get my haircut for 10 once a year at the beauty school or if I can get a 7. 99 coupon for Great Clips. I blow dry and curl the bangs and let the rest of it dry naturally. I only use a 2 bottle of hairspray to hold it or I tie it back. Im often asked about my hair as its cute on me and looks shiny and healthy, albeit Im starting to get some gray I use q-tips but I dont use tissues, cotton pads, face A reusable, washable hanky works just fine for a snotty nose. I have eye brow scissors, tweezers, a metal nail file and hair dresser scissors. Ive had them for years. I use a washcloth on my face I tweeze my own eyebrows and I shave above my lip once a week. I have a 5 magnifying mirror I got from Walmart that helps. Yep, it works fine. Been doing it for over 20 years. Dont believe the baloney that the hair grows back thicker, longer. I am sans a mustache at all times! I don't get my nails done or paint them. I don't do fake nails, lashes, The only beauty service I pay for is my one haircut a year. I buy toilet paper in bulk. I buy 30 rolls of 425-2 ply sheets from Aldi for 15. I always fold my toilet paper. I use 2 sheets folded to ¼ size for #1 and usually need to do this twice for #2. I find the 2-ply a better value than the 1-ply as the 1-ply is so thin that you actually need more I dont flush my loo every time I pee, especially not during the night. If its yellow let is mello – with the lid down of course. My bathroom does not get smelly. Where I live, those water and sewer bills can add up. If you only save 10 a month, over 40 years at 7% interest rate thats 5, 000. Probably too extreme for some of you but in addition to being frugal, I hate to be wasteful! I use a period cup and reusable washable pads. Ive had mine for years Dating Im single and have been for nearly 4 years by choice. Im an attractive woman (or so Im told. I used to date ALL the time. Ive been in several long term relationships. No kids. At this point in my life dating doesnt interest me as I have relationships through my family and friends and the dog (cant forget the dog. My life is full and Im happy. Ive been asked on dates and I said no To be honest my life is less stressful, less drama, less maintenance (gotta shave those legs and pits) less money when Im not dating. Im also a homebody and Like being alone so it works for me. I wear more comfortable underwear when I'm single too - ha-ha! Shopping I dont buy stuff. At this point in my life, Im a minimalist I buy used whenever I can. I haggle the price down whenever I can. I use charity shops, Facebook Marketplace and buy/sell groups, Craigslist I sell stuff I dont use Amazon. I use my Prime membership ALOT. I borrow free books, I watch free movies/TV, I listen to free music on my Echo dot I got on special for 8. I do buy some stuff on Amazon but usually from Warehouse Deals. I also use Prime Pantry sometimes to buy food and toiletries but only if it works out cheaper than the store. Recently I got an order of 15 items through Prime Pantry. With Prime Pantry if spend 35 you get free shipping. If you order 15 or more items you get a 15% discount. If you use your Prime credit card you get a further 5% back. I was able to get Celestial Seasonings Tea for 1. 93 box of 20 tea bags and 2-pack Suave 2. 6oz deodorant for 1. 93 (after the discounts) Hobbies I walk the dog twice a day, EVERY day, regardless of snow, rain, extreme heat, extreme cold. It keeps me and him healthy. I do 2 miles around the neighborhood in the morning before work and usually 5 miles after work along trails. Hes usually off-leash. Good hiking shoes/boots and gas are the expense here but I have a variety of trails within a 4 mile radius of my house. On weekends we branch out further to mix it up. I mostly wear my hiking shoes and I can make them last a couple of years (shoe goo is my friend. I use my hiking boots/snow boots for wet, muddy, snowy conditions and they have lasted me many years so far. My dog-walking jeans get worn out between my thighs so I patch them (2 large iron-on denim patches at Walmart for 1. After I iron them on, I also sew the patches around the edges so they don't come off. Dog-walking coats, gloves, hats, vests…etc. never seem to wear out. If I do have to buy dog walking gear I buy quality (Im currently using Oboz hiking shoes) I read for free. I get books from the library and Amazon Prime. I have an i-pad with the kindle app so I download them. The i-pad is old but it works. I will replace it when it eventually dies I belong to groups on the Internet (like this one…) – hence I use my i-pad, I dont have a computer, printer, scanner…etc. at home. I use the ones at work I watch TV and movies. I rotate one streaming service every few months. I never pay more than 10 month for these services and I also have my annual Prime membership which is about 11 month. I also stream TV, Movies, Music from my library for free via the Hoopla App I do jigsaw puzzles. I NEVER buy new. I buy them used then sell or trade them. I always come out ahead and make money on them. I used to scoff at people who did jigsaw puzzles but let me tell you, they are very enjoyable! Apparently they make me smarter too… I cook (see food) I go to free events in my community. Art in the park, various concerts, free outdoor activities days…etc. I live in a large multi-cultural University town. There is LOADS of free stuff to do. I have a group of dog walking friends. We meet several times a week (we also trade help with dog walking and pet sitting if we travel) I do try to get back to the UK once a year to see family but I always find a good deal on my flight. A friend watches the dog. Im not a fan of travelling anymore, in-fact I hate travelling. I would rather have a “staycation” The dog. Hes awesome Yes its. Yes its worth it. Hes therapy for my soul Hes a lab mix, AKA mutt. His adoption fee was high (350) but it went to a good cause. Generally mutts have less health issues I buy high quality food in bulk. Its rated 5 stars on DogFood Advisor which is the highest rating available and its not grain fee (dont buy into the hype…. I get Victor Hi-Pro Plus 50lb bags. Its 60. Hes a 3 year old 80-lb extremely active male lab. He gets 3 cups a day as this is extremely nutrient dense food without fillers. It lasts me nearly 2 months. 30 month for food I buy 20-lb dog biscuits for 14 at Menards plus 11% rebate. I break them in half. A bag lasts me about 3 months. Its his daily junk food treat I buy a 10-lb bag all natural beef bones from a local farm. 5. He usually gets them on weekends and a bag lasts about a month I rotate and repair his soft toys when they get holes in them. Hes had them a few years. I got most of them for 0. 50 cents at Goodwill. He inherited his nylabones, tennis balls, leash and collar, food from my previous dog and they are probably 10 years old. I do buy poop bags but they are 1 for 80 bags from the Dollar Tree. I do not do things like dress my dog up or send him to the groomer or do doggie daycare (I exercise him and he has doggie friends we walk with a few times a week) I spend 300 year for his annual vet visit. This includes an exam, shots, Bordetella and a year of flea/tick and heartworm meds. I buy the heartworm meds with the 4-way de-wormer and Braveco which is a pill every 3 months for fleas and ticks. These are the most expensive but as we hike in the woods daily and he likes to catch small worm/flea ridden furry animals its money well spent. We could go to a low cost shot clinic and save some but I like to have a relationship with his vet as it comes in handy I trade pet-sitting service with friends who have dogs I wash my dog at home in the backyard with Dawn dish soap (its fine – I use it on me too. He doesnt need haircuts or nail trims (we walk 2 miles on concrete every morning. If he needed haircuts or nail trims I would do it myself Other tips. I use cash back credit cards for as much as I can and pay them off every month I always send in my mail in rebates I track every penny I spend in an Excel spreadsheet. I know exactly where my money goes and how much my expenses change over the years I know where to buy the items I use for the best price I dont pay for a financial advisor. I do my own investing in low cost Vanguard index funds that's my frugal full, happy, content frugal life and hopefully there are some useful tips in here you can use. Anyone got more frugal tips they can share.
Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes always happy. A abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive art article artist artistic as Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure at athlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful baby back background bad badly bag bake balance ball ban band bank bar barely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible big bike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broad broken brother brown brush buck budget build building bullet bunch burden burn bury bus business busy but butter button buy buyer by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campus can Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful carefully carrier carry case cash cast cat catch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismiss disorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA do doctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drug dry due during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort egg eight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronic element elementary eliminate elite else elsewhere e-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage end enemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irish iron Islamic island Israeli issue it Italian item its itself jacket jail Japanese jet Jew Jewish job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment juice jump junior jury just justice justify keep key kick kid kill killer killing kind king kiss kitchen knee knife knock know knowledge lab label labor laboratory lack lady lake land landscape language lap large largely last late later Latin latter laugh launch law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave left leg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lesson let letter level liberal library license lie life lifestyle lifetime lift light like likely limit limitation limited line link lip list listen literally literary literature little live living load loan local locate location lock long long-term look loose lose loss lost lot lots loud love lovely lover low lower luck lucky lunch lung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mall man manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing many map margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirror miss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs Ms much multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual my myself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next nice night nine no nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n't nuclear number numerous nurse nut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer office officer official often oh oil ok okay old Olympic on once one ongoing onion online only onto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner pace pack package page pain painful paint painter painting pair pale Palestinian palm pan panel pant paper parent park parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion past patch path patient pattern pause pay payment PC peace peak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician piano pick picture pie piece pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player please pleasure plenty plot plus PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution pool poor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice pray prayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously price pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publish publisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue push put qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote race racial radical radio rail rain raise range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather rating ratio raw reach react reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruit red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace reply report reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm rice rich rid ride rifle right ring rise risk river road rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rough roughly round route routine row rub rule run running rural rush Russian sacred sad safe safety sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settle settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shut sick side sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sink sir sister sit site situation six size ski skill skin sky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smooth snap snow so so-called soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spin spirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stage stair stake stand standard standing star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel step stick still stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike string strip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tail take tale talent talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary ten tend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testing text than thank thanks that the theater their them theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these they thick thin thing think thinking third thirty this those though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thus ticket tie tight time tiny tip tire tired tissue title to tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic toss total totally touch tough tour tourist tournament toward towards tower town toy trace track trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial tribe trick trip troop trouble truck true truly trust truth try tube tunnel turn TV twelve twenty twice twin two type typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncle under undergo understand understanding unfortunately uniform union unique unit United universal universe university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual up upon upper urban urge us use used useful user usual usually utility vacation valley valuable value variable variation variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle venture version versus very vessel veteran via victim victory video view viewer village violate violation violence violent virtually virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visual vital voice volume volunteer vote voter vs vulnerable wage wait wake walk wall wander want war warm warn warning wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth wealthy weapon wear weather wedding week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well.
Please note: This post will be lenghty. I read that the typing will be more accurate if I elaborate my answers. Please use the Jungian Cognitive Functions (Si, Se, Ni, Ne, Ti, Te, Fi, Fe) instead of the simplified ones (I/E, N/S, T/F, P/J. If you want to use the simplified ones it's okay as long as you use the Jungian Cognitive Functions too. The questions: How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself. I am a 16-year-old female. I know I am too young to have a definitive type but I don't want to wait until my 30's! I want to find out at least by dominant function. For as long as I remember I have always been curious, imaginative and very sensitive. When I was a child I loved science, particularly biology. I was into geography and arts too. I was very imaginative, to the point even other children thought I was immature (especially after I turned 9. I used to listen to the adults' conversation, even if that was about topics kids often find tedious like politics and the adults' personal lives. But I wanted to play with other kids too! I wanted to fit in and make friends, which was hard to me because other kids thought I was strange, immature and too sensitive. I was too sensitive to pain and got offended easily, so I cried almost every single day at school. Nowadays I am still very curious and imaginative, but I've got filters. I am not interested in learning anything like before: I prefer to have few fields of interest and study them in depht. My imagination is way more grounded on reality now. When I write a story I make sure all the dots are logically and coherently connected without leaving any logical inconsistence and try to make the events as realistic as possible. I may even do a research in medical sites to write more realistic character deaths and search for psychology/psychiatry articles to write characters with mental disorders more accurately. I am not as sensitive as I was as a child, but I'm still very sensitive. I've learned to put my feelings aside when necessary and keep them to myself, what causes people to perceive me as cold and emotionally inexpressive. Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow? No. Well, I was diagnosed with autism one year ago but the diagnosis was proven wrong because I used to fool mental health professionals. Three years ago I was diagnosed with depression and agoraphobia, but now I'm completely recovered. I am a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person. Describe your upbringing. Did you have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it? Yes, I was raised in a all-christian family. My childhood attending to church and following the christian principles was just fine, however, in the beggining of my teenage years, I started fearing being sent straight to hell because I wasn't an example of a christian. When I heard a loud noise and couldn't define what caused it I thought it was Jesus Christ coming back to punish the sinners (including me. Pretty stupid, don't you think? About one year ago, I declared myself an atheist after lots of research and reflexion. You could argue that it makes me agnostic, not atheist. I never truly felt the presence of God or believed on him, I was just being ruled by fear of the unknown, uncertainty and the influence of others. Anyway, my parents were very accepting of my decision. I still go to church with them to make them happy. I've got to listen to spiritual bullshit just once a week, so why not? If you had to spend and entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed? An entire weekend all by myself? Without having to go to school, with money to go to the movies and do some shopping? With accounts in the best streaming services, lots of books, a ps4 and a Xbox? I'm in! Well, I would feel both refreshed and lonely. I am used to have my family around most of the time, so after maybe 3 days I would miss some social interaction. What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities? I like to read, write, draw, play video games, listen to music and watch movies and series. I am good at sports but don't participate because at school we only have team sports. How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate? I am curious about things that are in my fields of interest. I see no point in learning absolutely anything, I learn just what I think may be useful on the future. To be honest, saying I learn just what will be useful is more of an attempt to justify my bad grades at school rather than an actual fact. I hate having to learn things compulsorily. I'm interested in psychology, biology, philosophy and sociology. I frequently wonder what is real, if things are what they seem and if there is such thing as "right" and "wrong. These questions only lead to more questions and are mostly inconclusive, but I'm okay with that. Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be? Well, I'm not sure. Having to fulfill the needs of my subordinates, being responsible by their actions, constantly worrying about the possibility of someone planning to drag me down. I think I could be good at it. Everyone can be good at anything if they need to be. A bad/irresponsible/incompetent leader isn't what people need nor want, so I would have to learn how to be a competent leader. My leadership style would be democratic. I would do what most people want and if it went wrong I could always use the "you made me do this" card. Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity? Nope. I have to be careful with my movements to not mess things up. Counting money and managing papers is embarassing because I have trouble controlling my hands. I like drawing and writing. I enjoy playing around with paint, glue, clay and colored pencils, albeit I'm not an exceptional artist. Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer. I do what I call "I'm bored and need to do something" art. I am more artistically productive during my breaks from school and enjoy trying different art styles. My favorite artworks are the ones that take days to finish. I have an especial admiration for the neoclassical and pop arts. Arts is one of my favorite school subjects. What's your opinion about the past, the present and the future? How do you deal with them? My opinion is that the past is important because we are made from it and the present is necessary to build the future. But it's not what I do. I despise how we may let the past blind us to the present and the future. The present fools us to believe things will never change and we'll not regret anything. The future is untrustworthy because of its unpredictability. Living just in one of them is a stupid thing to do. I try to not get stuck in any of them. But sometimes what I do in the present feels so meaningless and the past so useless that I use the future and my goals as a motivation to carry on. How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything) If you would decide to help them, why would you do so? Someone asked my help and I can help them, so why not? Do you need logical consistency in your life? Well, kind of. My life needs some logical consistency but it's not all about logic. I'm not the one to do everything based on logic. The best example of this is how I know which is the most logical choice yet I choose what I want instead. Doing everything based on logic makes me feel trapped in a code just like a robot and doing everything based on feelings makes me feel like I'm walking on eggshells as I know there's a good chance of regretting this decision later. However I don't know if I make decisions based more on logic or feelings. For some reason I just know A is better than B. But I noticed that, when I make a decision based on logic, I tend to think I'll not be able to explain it, but everything makes sense once I write my motives down or talk them out loud. How important is efficiency and productivity to you? Very important. I am a perfectionist, so making mistakes makes me feel disappointed at myself. I dislike doing nothing for long periods of time, it feels like I'm wasting time and without any new achievements I feel useless and stupid and existential boredom hits me hard. Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that? I control people without even realising it, making them agree with me through twisted logic and their own beliefs. If I said you I have no idea of what I do it'd be a lie, I know I am somewhat manipulative. It became so natural to me that I no longer feel I am doing it until I realise it afterwards. How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go? I am pretty good at strategizing. I don't know how to explain exactly how but usually I have a mental imagery of what it will be like, not very detailed. I am open to improvisation as I know things may not turn out as I expect them to. I don't get surprised when things go off of the rails because I somehow know it might happen. What are your hobbies? Why do you like them? I listen to music, watch YouTube videos and search for random things on Google. I listen to music to escape this boring world and provoke emotions. I can learn a lot from YouTube videos. When I was suffering from depression and agoraphobia I developed a strong hatred towards people and watching to people on YouTube helped me to overcome this. I can learn anything on google. I'll use politics as an example. Google helps me to get to people from the right and the left to analyze each one's point of view about, let's suppose, something Donald Trump did. I can also use google to search for theories about my favorite games and movies and to understand why is my cat the way he is. What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses? I don't know what my learning style is. I struggle with boring classes with boring schoolwork and boring subjects. I dislike when the subject is all about memorization and categorization. Idiot kids making noise and talking shit don't help me to concentrate either as I'm very sensitive to sounds. For a long time (since 5th grade) I had terribly low grades at school and had trouble concentrating, but no one had ever suspected it was because of the noise until the end of 2018, when I noticed I felt so much better when my loudest classmates didn't attend class. At the beginning of 2019 I got moved to a much quieter class and my grades improved significantly. I wish I found it out before to avoid further loss. I prefer activities involving creativity and analysis, like interpretation. You can share whatever idea you have if you interpret the text correctly. Writing essays is also fun as I enjoy making original essays out of generic and boring subjects. What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally? Professionally I can't tell exactly. Personally I crave a life of freedom and independency. I know in real life people can't really be free, that's the price of living in a society, but I crave at least the freedom to follow my own way. I don't want to live my life like a conformist rule follower. What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why? I fear losing my ambition and becoming a conformist. I know it'll eventually happen but I don't want it to happen before I achieve my goals, otherwise I'll live as a frustrated adult. I feel uncomfortable when people push me to socialize. However they have a point: without being pushed I would probably never socialize. When I'm debating with someone and they push the ad hominem fallacy. In case you don't know, ad hominem fallacy is when someone attacks their opponent personally instead of attacking their argument(s. The reason why it's so annoying is that they can't refutate your argument yet think they are superior. Let's suppose that there are two men, David and John. David and John have opposing points of view about, let's suppose, politics. They decide to discuss their points of view. John has a very convincing argument and David feels upset about not being able to refutate Jonh's argument, at least not in the moment. Then, David has to belittle John to not feel affected by the fact that Jonh has a good point. A silly and cheap defence mechanism used by the delusional and those with fragile ego. Small talk shall be avoided at any cost. I am a loner as every conversation you have in school is small talk. My closest friends understand it, that's why I almost always prefer their company. Interruptions. What makes me uncomfortable isn't the interruption itself, but the effort necessary to hide my annoyance and try to not to be rude. I never liked the idea of the kids being the continuity of the parents' lives, including their beliefs. Once I read an article of a left-wing woman saying she feared her children would grow up to become right-wing. Parents sometimes believe so hard their children are the continuity of their lives they end up forgetting their children are independent beings, sometimes with radically different mindsets. If this woman feels so bothered by the thought of her children becoming different from her and having a different opinion, maybe she isn't ready to be a mother. Cheap romances. Ew, so cheesy! I hate self-righteousness. Seriously, who are those people to judge someone? Their lives are so meaningless they need to bitch about other people's lives to feel better. They often have a sense of superior moral and an inflated ego and that's why they are so toxic. What do the "highs" in your life look like? I can think well about my decisions and focus on my tasks. I am not impulsive and can assess the consequences of my behavior and actions. I am empathetic and accepting, albeit not outwardly showing emotions. What do the "lows" in your life look like? I am impulsive and unfocused. I am mean and neglecting to others for no reason. I act self-centered and lack empathy. I become extremely judgemental of others. I become obsessed with things and people, losing touch with reality, setting unrealistic goals and forcing myself to do something I enjoy until it becomes torture (e. g. playing a videogame to exaustion, waking up too early in the morning to continue playing it and skipping nights of sleep or having poor sleep. This is the way I acted when my mental health was in its worst. How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so? I don't often daydream but am not completely grounded on reality. I must be somewhere in between. I live in the moment and pay attention to what happens around me, while I work on my ideas internally without losing track of my tasks. Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about? About that question of an IQ test I got wrong one year ago, how it affected my score and after one year I found out the right answer, if it is raining outside, what would I do in case of a nuclear apocalypse, if violent criminals deserve empathy, the alternative endings of Avengers: Endgame, if all the theories I've read about my favorite movies and videogames make sense, etc. How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it? I usually make important decisions as quick as possible to avoid an unnecessarily long periods of stress and anxiety. I may change my mind once I've made it, but if I take more time to think I'll change my mind anyway! How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life? I can't tell exactly how long I take to process my emotions, I don't feel the process. Emotions are important to me but sometimes I wish they weren't there, like in difficult decisions. I have good self-control so even if I feel them strongly I probably won't act stupidly, but I wish they just weren't there in these situations, it'd be much more easier. When I'm dealing with a manipulative person and I know it, I wish I didn't feel pity for them as I know they are trying to fool me. On the other hand not feeling anything isn't a good sensation either, I've been in anti-depressants and that's how they made me feel. Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why? Someone wants to talk to me and interrupting them makes me feel like I'm being rude. If they have interesting information to share I keep the conversation going so that they'll share more information. Sometimes I have no good reason to keep the conversation going, but if I'm uninterested I can just pretend I'm listening (it works amazingly with talkative people. I don't do any of these often as I'm not used to chat with people. Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why? I rarely break rules. Authority should be challenged because they are human too and we shouldn't by any means let them feel like they are demigods. We have to stand against them when they are doing something wrong. If I break rules perhaps I think they make no sense, are abusive or unnecessary.
Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes always right. Movie stream never rarely sometimes always plot. Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes always love. Movie stream never rarely sometimes always movie soundtrack.
Movie stream never rarely sometimes always imdb. Dev Blog #003 Would you like to know more? The big day has arrived for the grand bug hunt with our Osmium Pre-Beta testing on discord. The pre-beta is 1. 8 compatible and its primary goal is to track down those pesky bugs that are still lingering as we work on getting everything fully operational. The invasion has begun on the Klendathu system and we need your help to find and kill as many bugs as possible. It will be a great test for our new flagship RogueLauncher which has already seen many bug casualties, however many more are still attacking. Planetary defenses are ready as bugs send meteors our way. Our scientists are looking for new ways to kill bugs. YOUR assistance in stopping the bugs is required on our Discord, so we can move closer to becoming fully operational and defeat our have the mechs, we have the weapons, we need soldiers. Join now! The Federal council convened where Lt Shade and Sky Marshal Cargo Vroom addresses the nation for this RogueTech threat. Visit your nearest recruitment office to join the fight- RogueTech Discord Would you like to know more? Join the mobile infantry and save the world! A closer look at our new front line weapon; the state of the art Battle Mech. We speak to our chief engineer. CptMoore who is responsible for Mech Engineer, and Speedmod. Mech Engineer is one of the main gameplay experience changing mods added to RogueTech, which allows for many different aspects from the core game between the un-modded BattleTech experience and the RogueTech experience, adding new armor types, structure types, reintroducing engine ratings and engine core types following the classic TT rules. Originally the inception of Mech Engineer was only to introduce swappable engines and engine heatsinks. Over time the idea shifted towards Classic BattleTech items which meant the Mech Lab required to be made more flexible. This had the result of making the mechs more immersive, and the added bonus of more item descriptions, allowing the player more sense of depth and options to fit out their favourite Mech in more roles. Would you like to know more? The devastation continues. Glitter has found its way into everything here at RogueTech. Our very own "Pink Pone" Denadan, who has brought colour to the mechlab by extending game classes with new fields for the MechLab, as well as Dynamic Shops and the adjustment of Mech parts that get salvaged thanks to Custom gueTechs utilisation of Custom Components has made it possible for our resident expert in the mech lab with four hooves to introduce entirely new features like Custom Filters, and Mech Validation. This allows for additional flexibility in Mech design with specific slots for equipment, weapons, and the new advanced Omni Mechs. If you find glue in your core, that would be due to the fact that a melted pink pone has worked alongside CptMoore and MechEngineer for that extra classic BattleTech you like to know more? Mobilization to destroy the Mech Threat However there are some extremists who believe that Tanks are still the way RogueTech warnings against such views were disregarded by Cargo Vroom is responsible for these death dealing crawling monsters of destruction. RogueTanks is Cargo Vrooms speciality and with over 400 vehicles have been created from the ground up, or are modified from truly brings an extra dimension to the effectiveness against this new threat has yet to be seen, but reports from the front lines say they bring fear among those willing to face them. Sky Marshal Cargo Vroom addresses the council; What have you made? I have a few standalone things I did in the early period around when modtek came out. Better Base Defense that makes every defense contract have friendly turrets. Protect the Mechs which is to my knowledge the first example of a custom contract ever done. But mostly VIP, Vehicle Improvement Project, it added some more 3025 tanks from the lore, brought their mechanics a little closer to table and fixed some vehicle related bugs and weirdness. That's how I got involved with Roguetech, which was just getting going. I was streaming, LadyAlecto stopped in and saw my custom tanks. These days in RogueTech I've somehow become one of the lead devs, so I have an eye on general game balance and project priorities. But mostly day to day I tinker with tanks, contracts and unit spawns. Would you believe with over 400 vehicles there are still Lore ones we haven't made, and custom ones we could make to fill various niches? The existing tanks need maintenance and updates when things in the mod change. That takes a lot of time. All the non-vanilla procedural contracts you see in RT are mine. I've had my grubby fingers on most of the vanilla ones too for balance or compatibility reasons. Over the years I've also been responsible for a couple wacky pirate weapons, some custom mechs, and a lot of ammo variants for Thunderbolt Missiles. Why Tanks when there are Big Stompy Robots? I didn't set out to be The Tank Guy, it just slowly escalated. Making more tanks was a project with no clear end point, so it never stopped. A lot like RogueTech as a whole really, to be honest. Also tanks are cool. You might argue that mechs are cooler. But tanks are cool. But for game design reasons? The short answer is variety. Mechs seem less stompy if there's nothing to compare them to. If BattleTech was a movie tanks are the supporting characters. They aren't the star, but you need them to have context, and for the world to make sense. Imagine if there weren't tanks in BattleTech. Everyone's first question about the setting would be "Hey if mechs are so rare and expensive, why does nobody put guns and armor on a truck. They gotta be there, so they should be as interesting and well done as possible. Exploring the game files I discovered that HBS had nerfed vehicles hard from their TT stats. Other than the rare moment when an SRM carrier caught you off guard they were a joke. I fixed them in my own game and found it added to the experience. More challenging, yes, but also deeper and with more variety. Adding more vehicle types helped further. Lumbering Behemoths, zippy Zephyrs, backstabbing Brutus. There's a depth of lore and variety to combat vehicles in BattleTech only surpassed by the mechs themselves. Fighting vehicles that can survive long enough to hurt you feels fundamentally different then fighting mechs. The vehicles in the vanilla game were such an afterthought they were barely implemented at all. Would you believe HBS didn't include a Medium tank? Not even one. You know how mechs are defined by heat problems? Vehicles have crit problems in the Tabletop game. HBS didn't make a crit system for them. They were just so unrealized and 's not a sleight on HBS. They almost went broke getting the game out the door. They put mechs first in their mech game. But as modders and fans we could expand. They left things open for us to do that. Each time our coders finish a new feature, it makes tanks more vibrant and interesting. They aren't empty eggshells anymore, or armor bricks. They're full of Crunch. Hovertanks glide over water, tanks lose their treads and get stuck, VTOLs fly above the mountains. None of that was a thing before Roguetech. What evil things have you made? Well for the record at least 90% of what I make is straight from the official source books down to the last armor point. There's a lot of evil there, like Alacorns with three Gauss Rifles, but I can't lay claim to it. But like anyone in a GameMaster-like position you use the rules at your disposal to make things interesting for your players. I'm always confused when people get upset about non-lore units. Hundreds of pages in the rulebooks are spent on instructions for creating or modifying mechs and vehicles. Clearly you're meant to do that when you flesh out a setting. We've made weird jerry-rigged pirate stuff, intentionally weak primitives, and terrifying endgame elites. Also lots of new variants of lore vehicles so you actually see various rare weapons ingame and can loot them. This all benefits you the player, and is in keeping with the letter and spirit of Tabletop rules. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Where was I? Right. Some of my scariest things I'd consider spoilers to talk about. A few of the superheavy tanks haven't achieved notoriety, yet, or are new in Osmium I suppose I have to mention the Singijeon, aka "Screw Your AMS. a surprisingly mobile superheavy LRM120 carrier. And the Parti-Kill which carries a unique 20 ton PPC that, and 1000 frontal armor. But those are end-game "boss" units. In terms of more normal vehicles I'm proud of my primitive tank series. They're MBT style tanks with only ICE engines, Rifles, rockets and machine guns. Basically 21st Century tanks in the 31st Century world. But they're built smart so they manage to be much more dangerous than you'd expect for their tech level and weight. If you see a Candiru, Izula or Izula II early game watch out. Oh and VBIED, suicide bomber trucks, those were my idea. You're welcome. What is your favorite tank? Manticore. It's a darned good tank. One of the best ones in Vanilla and the unit that caught my attention and made me realize tanks in BT could be kinda cool. but you know what, who am I kidding? It's the Red October. The meme tank Vachir cajoled me into making. It's a stealth Arrow IV carrier. I hear the commander is a Scottish Russian. I laugh whenever someone comes on the discord and talks about it. Which happens pretty often. It's a tank people remember, and in a game that's really about stompy robots that's something. Would you like to know more? Service Guarantees Citizenship! LtShade is one of our scientists responsible for creating these Battle Mechs which are being sent straight to the front lines. LtShade has taken the time to sit down with us and go into depth of how we manage to get more mechs! LtShade addresses the nation in this tell all interview on what it takes to get these Mechs operational; Tim: Now as modeler of mechs how does it all work? Shade: The process of getting a model into BattleTech is like wrestling a crocodile while wrapped in barbed wire: it is certainly something that can be done but no one is going to have a good time and tears will be shed. I would love nothing more than to tell you that the process is simply taking a model, scaling it to the right size, and jamming it into Unity but it is quite a bit more complicated than my hopes and dreams. The general process to get a model into the game was documented by GentlePayload (go check him out on YouTube, he's a great guy) in late 2018 and it hasn't changed too terribly much since then. Obviously, we have to start with a model; the community has imported basically everything from MWO by this point so any mechs outside MWO are either made/assembled by the importer (what I do) or sourced from the internet, with permissions, and laboriously converted into a model that jives with how BattleTech mech models are built. Prepping an existing model for import generally takes anywhere from 2 to 40 hours of work depending on how it was made. As for making a model for BattleTech, that's a very long discussion as it can be done a dozen different ways; suffice it to say, if you want to make a model for BattleTech, go look at the models already in there for reference. Once prepped and ready, we take the model and lay it on top of an existing vanilla mech's skeleton in BattleTech and then import it into Unity. After some assigning and scripting magic in Unity, we export an Unity Assetbundle which holds all of the parts of our new mech model. We then take this bundle apart and use the pieces of our new model to replace the same parts of our donor mech from the base game. This often means replacing roughly 100 different parts of the base model with our new model thanks to each weapon being a separate entity. This assetbundle is then compressed and placed in a mod folder to allow the game access to the file. Then the fun begins! To make the mech and model show up in game we then have to make the appropriate JSON file to make ModTek load our new model mod and often make the chassisdef, mechdef, movedef, and hardpointdatadef JSON files for the mech. Once we load up the game and the model loads, then it is time for any position adjustments; sometimes weapons or body parts are not where we intend them to be so we need to move them. Historically, this is the part of the process that breaks people as it is incredibly tedious and involves a dozen steps just to move one item and the only way to know exactly how far you need to move it is by guessing and checking until it ends up in the right spot. By this point we've developed a few steps that drastically reduces the need for this kind of adjustment but it still consumes a good chunk of the time it takes to import a mech. Tim: What tools are used for modeling? Shade: Most of us use a combination of Blender and 3dsMax for modeling but you can use most anything that produces a file output. For texturing work, we've used Quixel and Substance Painter. For importing, we use 3dsMax, Unity, Unity Assetbundle Extractor, Unity Asset Studio, and a text editor of our choice, usually NotePad. Tim: What mods have you done? Shade: I've about a dozen or so models and imports for BattleTech; all of which are in the Community Asset Bundle (CAB) that is shared amongst many of the major mods out there. Highlights include the Avatar, Helepolis, and the Talos. Outside of models, I mostly supply supply some mech and component designs, usually centered around a new mech import, for RogueTech. Would you like to know more? Visit your local recruiter's office today and earn your citizenship or visit the BattleTech Gaming Discord, for links to GentlePayload's videos and many tips and tricks to the process. Special thanks to CptMoore, Denadan, Cargo Vroom and LtShade for doing their remember a good bug is a dead bug The RT Team.
Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes always dream.
Movie stream never rarely sometimes always movie release date
Movie stream never rarely sometimes always movie. Movie stream never rarely sometimes always never.
Movie stream never rarely sometimes always film. Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes always and forever.
Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes always keep
Movie Stream Never Rarely Sometimes always. Heres the Spotify playlist Ripping off INSPIRED BY this post by /u/ThatParanoidPenguin, heres a collection of 57 songs that came out last year that I felt were overlooked or underrated. These writeups were posted in the Daily Discussion threads last December and I consolidate them here, now, for your viewing pleasure. Theres songs you might have missed from artists youve heard of and then songs/artists who are super obscure, but in general all of them slipped through the cracks and I hope youll find some of them worthy of attention. Theres a definite pop focus but I picked these tracks with an ear for diversity of sound/artistry so theres a LOT of different things going on here and some picks that might make you roll your eyes, but I think theres something for everyone! Singles: Fantastia. Enough" from Sketchbook for fans of Aretha Franklin Fantasia has an iconic voice and this song uses it perfectly. A classic power ballad about endless love, that full voiced chorus with the guitar wailing in the background is definitely a highlight of the year. nelward. GHOST" for fans of Dorian Electra The sonic palate sounds like a dying computer, which is unique, and the lyrics are. memorable. but these quirks give it a sort of edge that really makes it stand out from a lot of the pop scene. It verges on the edge of being bad but it manages to stay firmly charming. Its mall goth music for the internet age. Imani Coppola - “Sage” from The Protagonist for fans of Fiona Apple On The Protagonist Imani usually cloaks herself in an armor of irony and humor, but in the middle of the album all of the smokescreens give way to reveal this song, an emotional guitar ballad about Imanis struggle to cope with the modern world. Its clear, cutting, and beautiful, but perhaps best word to describe this song is “cathartic. ” Her frustration and fear are palpable as she wails her way through one of the best, most anthemic choruses of the year. RIRI (feat. Junoflo. “luv luv” from Summertime EP for fans of Ariana Grande Riri gives her best sass above an oh-so-cool synth (Kpop fans might notice the song is co-written by Hoody) assisted by a pleasantly memorable rap verse from Junoflo. It feels chic and breezy, a perfect little piece of ear candy; songs like this one are a refreshing throwback, and Riri has the vocal chops and the attitude to make them still feel relevant. Tank and the Bangas - “Hot Air Balloon” from Green Balloon for fans of Noname A relaxing r&b/soul song about taking some time to just dream and be happy. The lyrics are poetical nonsense, but Tank could sing basically anything and make it sound good and when the vibes are this good, who cares about words? This is what bliss sounds like, when this song comes on I just feel so calm. Caravan Palace - “Miracle” (link is NSFW) from Chronologic for fans of Mark Ronson The grooves here are impeccable, every piece of the song is perfectly calibrated from the twangy strings to the rolling waves of piano. Even the singer herself feels like an instrument, with the lyrics being used more for sonic pleasure than sense, but it works. Its not just feel-good, its feel- cool. Ruth B. “Slow Fade” from Maybe I'll Find You Again for fans of Julia Michaels This is a melancholic song about a slowly dying relationship but the tone is underscored by an air of peacefulness; she accepts the end of the relationship gracefully, and only asks that the conclusion be satisfying. The thumping production on the verses contrasts with the smoother production in the chorus giving the song a very neat structure, and I love the sound of her voice. An understated song, but a worthy one. Kotonohouse (ft. TOFUKU. “Pitter Patter” for fans of Hannah Diamond This song was such a treat to find: it takes the best elements of the "anime music" style (the bright sonic palate, the dreamy atmosphere, the unique blend of innocence/peacefulness/nostalgia) but applies them to an actual song with a catchy melody. TOFUKUs sugary vocals combine nicely with Kotonohouses lush production to create a track thats wistful, but still memorable. The whole thing just feels very cozy to listen to. Diana Wang - “愛因斯坦 (Einstein)” from Moon for fans of H. E. R. It's a softer sort of song with a doo-wop twist; Diana has an airy voice that drifts over the piano and its the subtle details that really make the song. Her emotions translate very well despite the language barrier, but I looked up the lyrics and theyre actually very interesting! She muses that because we aspire for a love thats universal and constant, Einstein is the most romantic man on Earth for inventing his theory of relativity. It's a weird idea but she makes it sound good. Magdalena Bay - mini mix vol. 1 from mini mix vol. 1 for fans of Carly Rae Jepsen Look… they this whole EP as one continuous video, it counts as a single. I tried to pick just one song from this EP but theyre all so good and theyre all so short and nobody even reads these so I figured why not just link the whole thing? A visual mini-album, the pop duo challenged themselves to quickly create “mini” pop songs/videos and put them out without second guessing themselves, and the results are fabulous! The album is tied together by a dreamy, synth drenched sonic palate, but within that formula they find room for a diversity of sounds. KAINA (feat. Sen Morimoto. “Could Be A Curse” from Next to The Sun for fans of Kali Uchis A soulful bolero of all things, Kaina describes this song as being about “feeling down and not knowing if it will last forever. ” However both artists approach it with an air of gentleness that makes the song meditative rather than depressing. As their cool voices sigh out the chorus again and again over the seemingly ever descending music the effect is almost hypnotic, pulling you away from the world into a state of calm. A song about being mired in melancholy is transformed into a song about coping with it. Flying Lotus (feat. David Lynch. “Fire Is Coming” from Flamaragara for fans of Tyler, The Creator Clever sound design and Lynchs performance make the fairly mundane narrative extremely unsettling, giving the story a note of wrongness all the way up until Lynchs climactic final line: “fire is coming. ” As he repeats that he fades out and Flying Lotuss fierce electronic beats take over (this part isn't in the video) and create the soundtrack for a terrifying dance floor. I dont know if I can call a song thats 70% an old white man talking about a kid answering a phone a “bop, ” but whatever this is its listenable as hell. Blood Cultures - “Flowers For All Occasions” from Oh Uncertainty! A Universe Despairs for fans of The xx It starts off fairly unassuming with some cute indie strumming and faded out vocals but then this fantastic dance beat kicks in and were off on this fantastic little space voyage. The music swirls as quirky synths pop and bubble by and add a ton of fun texture to the track. Theres a touch of eeriness to the song (note the unusual inspiration) but it remains upbeat. Its a pretty weird song, but its also insidiously catchy. Haiku Hands - “Dare You Not To Dance” for fans of Gwen Stefani Heavy dance beats and unison chanting combine to create a song that's completely off-the-wall in the best way possible. What genre is this even? Theres all manner of synths, drums, and drops thrown into this song, and hooks and melodies are shouted/sung with abandon. It never holds onto any one sound or structure long enough for you to get tired of it, but the constant changes are energizing rather than exhausting. Its loud dance floor fun that feels fresh, fans of upbeat or weird pop would do well to check this out. Dinah Jane - “Retrograde” for fans of Tinashe “Retrograde” is a huge flex in how unexpected it is coming from someone like Dinah Jane. Its got this real down and dirty energy to it and an “urban” grit that feels a tad forced, but isnt unwelcome. She projects a “possessive ex” persona very well that provides a neat narrative for the song. Its interesting that its not a particularly vocal track either, Dinah chooses to ride the trap beats in near-vocal fry and it works to make the song really memorable. Cazwell & Manila Luzon (feat. Craig C. “Hella Horny” for fans of Cupcakke Neither Cazwell nor Manila Luzon are artists who I would say make “good” music, but theyre both novelty artists who understand what they are and try to make fun music rather than good music, and when they join forces for this track (along with producer Craig C. the combined strength of their campiness is enough to overwhelm conventional notions of “quality. ” Everything about this song is so dumb that it cycles around into greatness. The hook is monumentally insipid yet frustratingly enjoyable, achieving catchiness through sheer audacity. Yuna - “Not The Love Of My Life” from Rouge for fans of Caroline Polachek The instrumental is is sparse and dreamy, punctuated by a garbled vocal hook that adds a bit of ear candy to the song. Yuna is known for her rich and buttery voice and she doesnt have to do much with it to leave an impression, but she still gives it her all with her performance. The verses are rife with emotions (bitterness, sadness, anger) as she explores the conflict of the relationship, so its downright cathartic when she raises her voice above it all to find resolution in the simple but powerful chorus. Tiffany Young - “Lips On Lips” from Lips On Lips for fans of Camila Cabello This song feels like a fairytale, a song where love is the most important thing in the universe. She describes the euphoria of a kiss so well through poetic lyrics and shamelessly upbeat music. Its so fluffy its practically ear-cotton-candy, literally every single part of this song is a hook. Theres a lot of power hiding under this songs rosy pink exterior, and when it all builds up to that final chorus and Tiffany unchains her voice to do some ad libs, wow, youll believe in love again. Lindsey Stirling (feat. Elle King. “The Upside” from Artemis for fans of Halsey “The Upside” is a song from her latest album that features violin over a rollicking EDM beat, but fortunately Lindsey recognizes that sometimes you cant beat good old fashioned vocals and she brings in Elle King to take over the main melody line of the song. Elles voice is every bit as fiery and evocative as the wild fiddle the line was written for, and I think the addition of singing and lyrics is a great choice because it means when the violin comes in it really shines. Its an elegant stallion of a song, a thrill ride from start to finish. Aries - “Un Gran Puente” from Juramento Mantarraya for fans of Rosalía The track creates a quirky soundscape that sounds like a whole bunch of electronic elements tripping over each other, but its playful rather than chaotic. Aries has a soft but sweet voice at the center of this chaos and she lilts with the music rather charmingly. And of course theres the hook; that refrain of “aquí hoy” (“here today”) has been hammered into my brain since I heard it. Low-key it sounds like something out of an old Japanese videogame like Katamari or Locoroco, especially on the acoustic bridge, and I cant give praise thats higher than that. Z-Girls - “Streets Of Gold” from Z-Pop Dream -Singing For You for fans of BLACKPINK Their corporate overlords may be hella sketchy but the Z-Girls themselves have pipes and they sell the shit out of this song. Theres a ton of fun imagery in the lyrics of this song and they really bring it all to life with their fiery performances. Theyre singing about love opening a magnificent new universe, and damnit, theyre not gonna whisper! The rest of the song follows in suit, with excitable production (whens the last time you heard a swinging blade be incorporated into the beat of a song. and a monster of a chorus. KYLE (feat. Teyana Taylor. “F You I Love You” from Light Of Mine (Deluxe) for fans of Usher Blurring the lines between rap and r&b, KYLE and Teyana Taylor sing/rap their way through the ups and downs of a rocky relationship. “Troubled relationship” songs are a dime a dozen these days, but this rises above the pack by the earnestness of the lyrics and the performances. KYLE has a side hustle in acting and that works to his advantage here because his performance is nuanced, managing to transform even the cliched hook into what feels like an earnest confession. Teyana is pushing the limits of her vocal range here, but I think the airiness kind of works for the vibe. Estelle & Zach Callison - “True Kinda Love” from Steven Universe the Movie (Original Soundtrack) for fans of LOONA 1/3 This is a gentle pseudo-ballad about the power of friendship thats dripping in heart. Ive always loved the lo-fi sound palate that this show uses for its score and it works beautifully as the underscoring for a song, very soothing. Estelle and Zach (in his brief appearance) commit more to communicating the message of the song than to hitting all of the notes flawlessly, and the results are touching. Its downright criminal that this show was never even nominated for any awards for its music! WALK THE MOON - “Timebomb (Ryan Riback Remix)” for fans of Zedd “Timebomb” was the kind of song that gets you out on the dancefloor, and the remix leans into that by adding a genuine dance beat to it, giving the song some muscle. Although the house beat feels a little bit awkward at first, it only grows more and more in sync with the song as it continues. Every time that drop hits its just so slick, cradling the already energetic chorus in piano and synths that are so pleasing on the ear. Alessia Cara - “October” from This Summer for fans of Lauv "Summer" starts to mean less and less as you grow older and all you can do is watch and hope you can hold on to it all. Theres a bittersweet, nostalgic air to the lyrics thats reflected in the sound. Her voice is great here, her voice flows like heavy water yet shes so relaxed and calm, as if shes just focusing on taking on everything in. And shes surrounded by all of these lush harmonies, a veritable sea of voices that buoy her gently into the future. Alex Newell (feat. DJ D-Sol. “Rescue Me” for fans of Lizzo A cover of classic that's a good display of Alexs explosive singing voice. The vocals rocket this song into bop status; through sheer force of personality the simple lyrics and hooks are made absolutely delightful. The production has a few interesting quirks as well, offering up a serviceable drop, some fun horns, and a dance friendly beat. The extended version highlights this, the whole thing just becomes one long ride of pure, joyous dance music. Ally Brooke (feat. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie. “Lips Dont Lie” for fans of Mariah Carey A pleasantly low-key track because of Ally's unique vocal delivery, which straddles the line between breathy whispers and full voiced belts. She plays coy very well, and the song gives her a lot of fun wordplay to heap her saucy delivery onto. Her collaborator A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie sounds cute as well, he brings a nice energy to the track even if his lyrics are nonsense. Add in a fun piano driven beat and a catchy chorus and we have what should have been a hit. Her lips dont lie when it comes to making bops. Ill just go now Sheena Ringo & Utada Hikaru - “浪漫と算盤 (Sun & Moon)” from Apple Of Universal Energy for fans of Lady Gaga This song is grand and mysterious in the best way. Utada and Sheena play it very low-key for much of the song, and their confidence makes it riveting. They dont need to raise their voices to make a point and when they do, its at the climax of a slow burn of energy. The chemistry between the two is off the charts, they share the track like only two friends and legends can. Sheenas scratchy, keening voice harmonizes fantastically with Utadas clean, cool voice; the blend is even more apparent in the acoustic version. MIKA - “Tomorrow” from My Name Is Michael Holbrook for fans of Aly & AJ The lyrics are a little corny but Mika can sell anything with that falsetto of his, and his voice on the verses is pure velvet. Essentially this is a song about Mika having a booty call in the backseat of a car, but damn, does he make it sound like a beautiful experience. Mika has always gotten by on a delicate blend of optimism/melancholy/camp, but this song has a maturity (and sensuality) to it as well that makes the devil-may-care message ring just a little bit deeper than it might otherwise. Its sexy and uplifting at the same time because he ties the carefree attitude of the situation in with a lust for life and a sense of hopefulness; who gives a shit about tomorrow when today is so much fun? Non-Singles: Olivia OBrien - “Call Me” from Was It Even Real? for fans of Dua Lipa An up and coming “moody pop” girl, Ill often give Olivia props on being willing to switch up her sound; this song is the perfect example of that. Its straight up disco, and it feels like an old school disco hit right down to some cheesy spoken word peppered throughout the track. The lyrics are classic Olivia though, dealing (as a lot of her music does) with a trifling boy that she says shes better than (in the verses) but just cant seem to get over (in the chorus. Alaska Thunderfuck 5000 - “Land Of The Midnight Sun” from Vagina for fans of Troye Sivan Her songs are silly and stuffed with memes, but Alaska has some amazing producers behind her and when she stops joking around she can drop some damn good music. Case in point is “Land Of The Midnight Sun, ” the stunning closer to her new album Vagina. An electro-ballad about Alaska ghosting a lover, its as sprawling and icy as the titular state of Alaska itself. She makes dance music so slow and heavy its as if the dancefloor has suddenly gone into slow motion and you can feel the weight of everything you had been avoiding creeping up on you. EVERGLOW - “Moon” from Arrival Of EVERGLOW for fans of Allie X EVERGLOW debuted in 2019 with “Bon Bon Chocolat, ” which is a very good song, but this B-side track is the one that really caught my attention. In the lyrics they compare the boy theyve become obsessed with to the dark side of the moon, hidden from them, and the production of the track is very mysterious to match. Anticipation runs through this track; pulsing synths hide pattering trap drums, with their clear voices slicing right through the center of the mix. Its a great example of autotune used properly, as the robotic feeling of their vocals gives them an almost cutting edge. Jamila Woods (feat. Nitty Scott. “SONIA” from LEGACY! LEGACY! for fans of Janelle Monae Critics and audiences agreed that what Jamila did on this album was undeniable, and for me this song is the crown gem. Inspired by a Sonia Sanchez poem about the pain that slave women experienced, Jamila sings of the pain she experiences in a bad relationship until she comes to the realization that these are issues all women face and like her ancestors she can overcome them. Its a poignant message, and Jamilas agile performance and delivery of a few catchy hooks over spacey synths make it very listenable. Rapper Nitty Scott gets the entire second verse of the song to herself, and she doubles down on the message with impeccable flow and lyrics. Its the kind of song that sticks with you after listening, every line is truthful and quotable. Jane Zhang - “Balance Me Out” from Past Progressive for fans of Jessie Ware This is the closing track to Past Progressive, and after an album of serving huge, loud bangers, she surprises us with a low-key song that doesnt even crack two and a half minutes and its so addictive! Its a simple track (the instrumental is really just two synths and a drum) with some fun lyrics about Jane finding a guy who “balances her out, ” but its elevated by the use of a distorted vocal hook that literally balances her out. The end result is pure, straightforward ear candy thatll have you jumping for the replay button. Snoh Aalegra - “Find Someone Like You” from Ugh, those feels again for fans of Amy Winehouse Snoh Aalegra perfectly captures the sensation of a love that bubbles up from inside of you and envelops you; snug, yet infinite. This is a masterclass in how to build a song: it starts off simple with just some piano but then Snohs warm voice fills the track and then new elements just start spilling out until everything is practically overflowing with music. Its all pretty simple r&b/soul really, but the earnestness of the lyrics and Snohs performance are enough to make you believe in love again. This is the song that plays in the movie after the protagonist realizes that theyre in love and everything feels perfect, it makes me want to run around the city smiling at strangers. Sir Babygirl - “Cheerleader” from Crush On Me for fans of Lorde This song gives you everything you need: quotable lines, catchy hooks, slammin production, great vocals, even a hint of camp. Like, there are literally cheerleader chants in the back of this song and it works amazingly. The song brims with a thrilling, almost sexual energy, thanks in no small part to Sir Babygirls incredible performance. She stuffs every syllable with meaning, savors every beat, and nails every note to the wall. The production is her doing as well and its equally incredible, combining a bubblegum sensibility with some of the best synth work Ive heard all year. Its as if someone took the most sapphic moments of But Im A Cheerleader and turned them into an '80s synth pop song; definitely one of my favorite discoveries this year. NECRONOMIDOL - “Children Of The Night” from Scions of the Blasted Heath for fans of Poppy NECRONOMIDOL are members of Japans dark idol metal scene, and Im not a metalhead but I enjoy their music. This is their poppiest venture yet and its also, coincidentally, their first fully English track! The steady vocals aloft on a sea of shredding guitars is an old, but effective standard, and they fully deliver on it. While a lot of their songs can be sprawling and huge this one feels very tight and focused, a straightforward rocket of energy from start to finish. The chorus has been stuck in my head basically all year, maybe its just me but I feel like a bad bitch while listening to this. Rapsody (feat. Queen Latifah. “Hatshepsut” from Eve for fans of Kendrick Lamar Every track on Eve is named for and inspired by a powerful black woman from history, and so for “Hatshepsut” (the ancient Egyptian pharaoh) Rapsody knew she had to call in a queen. Latifah, that is. I just like hearing Queen Latifah doing things, and she does the damn thing on this track. She rides the beat with a relaxed confidence, rapping a retrospective on her career and lending Rapsody some experience. Not that Rapsody necessarily needs the help, she easily holds her own with a legend and could probably have done the song alone, but really, if you have the option to involve Queen Latifah why would you not? Theres a mutual respect between the two and they create a great track together; it feels like theres a torch being passed from one generation to the next. Crystal (Lauren Dyson. “Unbreakable” from Carole & Tuesday for fans of Beyoncé “Unbreakable” is sung by this animes in-universe pop diva (think Britney meets Beyoncé) and it really nails that r&b influenced pop sound that was big in the late ‘90s/early 00s, playing off of the “futuristic” vibes of the era while still sounding gloriously retro. Shamelessly velvety, as Lauren Dysons rich voice melts all over that dreamy production the overall effect is heavenly. Theres so many good hooks and melodies in this song, and the lyrics are surprisingly great too? Faye Wester - “Jonny” from Atlanta Millionaires Club for fans of Kacey Musgraves A melancholy confessional, Faye drifts from thoughts of her own insecurities to thoughts of an ex with an honesty thats really compelling. She didnt even bother to change the guys name! One of my favorite songs of the year lyrically, its just hard hitting line after hard hitting line. Its heartbreaking, with a note of humor too. It helps that the chorus is quite lovely as well, sung with Fayes country wail against the gentle backing track. Theres even a saxophone solo. What more could you ask for? Ciara - “Trust Myself” from Beauty Marks for fans of Jennifer Lopez Ciara does sexy so well, and as she coos her way through this track shes almost breathless with desire. The gentle up and down of the melody emphasizes just the right vowels in just the right places, an excellent example of a song thats memorable without being showy. The lyrics are simple but I actually think theyre a strong point in the song, making the sexual themes feel almost innocent and really communicating the singleminded desire thats consumed Ciara. Its a shameless display of bliss that only a gorgeous pop star married to a hot millionaire football player would dare to release; Im just happy to sing along with it. Kim Ji Yeon (Kei. “Paper Moon” from OVER AND OVER for fans of Red Velvet This is a slick city-pop tinged r&b song; the lyrics describe her stopping for a kiss with a boy on a moonlit night, knowing that hell be gone in the morning but still savoring the moment. She has a gentle, almost birdlike voice that she rarely raises throughout the track, in fact, she actually gets quieter on the hook. As the track patters along at a leisurely pace the end result is an almost reverence to the song, almost as if she doesnt want to spoil the mood. It really succeeds in creating the mood described in the lyrics; fleeting, yes, but oh so sweet. Keke Palmer, Ryan Destiny, Brittany OGrady - “Try” from Star for fans of TLC A blatant homage to ‘90s girl groups like TLC and Destinys Child, and even if it doesnt offer anything fresh to the formula it at least nails it. Its fun, its sexy, its #girlpower, and all three of the girls are bringing it in a way that would make their predecessors proud. I cant say that I have any particular nostalgia for this era but this song hits just right, you hear that old school melody and for a second you wonder why anyone would listen to anything else. Meghan Trainor - “Foolish” from The Love Train its Meghan Trainor This song is a thrill ride that builds and builds and builds until the very end, its honestly impressive how long the song manages to hold off on climaxing, and once it does it just doesnt stop. Much of the credit for that goes to Meghan herself for driving the song with her voice, this song is a smorgasbord of harmonies and vocal lines and she nails all of them. I dont think her voice has ever sounded so full and flexible? She sounds cocky and confident and Im living for it, its a great match for the flirtatious lyrics. FRANKIE - “Good Enough” from STA7GES for fans of Sara Bareilles Unlike the music of recent years theres no irony here, no heavy air hanging over everything, its just a girl belting her heart out. Its honestly kind of refreshing, I feel like its been a while since we got a really good piano driven power pop ballad like this and I didnt realize how much I missed them. FRANKIE has a warm, powerful voice thats really up to the task too. The Mountain Goats - “Possum By Night” from In League With Dragons for fans of Vampire Weekend This is a song written from the perspective of an opossum, and its beautiful. For a song about something considered commonplace and dirty theres an air of almost magic about this, the character that theyre portraying is so full of reverence and wonder even as he sings about garbage trucks and compost piles. The song is defined as much by silence as it is by music, the hushed phrases of music scattered between hanging pauses give the song a very unique sound befitting of its namesake, almost as if theyre skittering about in the dead of night. Kehlani (feat. Musiq Soulchild. “Footsteps” from While We Wait for fans of H. A parable of a failed relationship, the story that Kehlani tells of the cycle of struggles is downright biblical. The lines in this song flow after each other like, well, like water through someones fingers. The cerebral lyricism of the song hearkens back to her previous mixtape You Should Be Here, but its more downtempo sonically than much of her previous work. The measured percussion is much more delicate than the more pop/electronic palates she usually trafficked with and it works beautifully with her softer, more confident delivery. Musiq Soulchild is an artist Im unfamiliar with but he makes a good impression here, playing his role as Kehlanis foil well. Kelsey Lu - “Poor Fake” from Blood for fans of FKA Twigs This song is campy high drama, and Kelsey is clearly LIVING for every second of it. She wails this song like shes a madwoman or a ghost stumbling through a haunted hall of forgeries, and the music sets this scene perfectly. Elegant, almost haunting classical orchestration is backed by a heavy dance beat that gives the song an uncanny feeling thats exceptionally dramatic. This song is volcanic, starting off as just a low rumble of strings and slowly growing more intense until it erupts at the end of that gloriously stupid spoken word bridge. mxmtoon - “my ted talk (acoustic)” from the masquerade for fans of Mitski Its a silly little song about how weird it is that mxmtoon writes love songs when she herself has never been in love, which is a strange premise but it works. A big part of mxmtoons appeal is how straightforward and relatable she is, and whats more straightforward and relatable than admitting you have no clue what youre doing? I like the acoustic version better because of how simple it is, this isnt the kind of track that needs any kind of fancy production. Purple Beck - “Holiday” from Crystal Ball for fans of Meghan Trainor This song is like a piece of candy that I know is bad for me but its so sweet and easy to get down that I find myself addicted. Its a sonic assault, but like, in a fun way! Sometimes you just want your ears blasted out by a wall of noise, and this song has a grimy chorus thats just perfect for that. Im doing a TERRIBLE job of selling this song but its like a dog whistle: shrill noise to everybody else, but if its attuned to your frequency then youll love it. CHANMINA - “Yesterday” from NEVER GROW UP for fans of Charli XCX Everything about this song makes it feel tumultuous, even before any words have been sung that wailing descending guitar riff lets us know that things are about to get emo. CHANMINA sounds great here, her crunchy autotuned vocals sound great and perfectly convey whats happening here without me understanding a single word. Her transition between the breathy vocals on the pre chorus and the harder vocals on the chorus (which is great) works really well, and her flow when shes rapping is great. Adam Lambert - “Closer To You” from The Velvet: Side A for fans of Adele We all know Adam can sing (he was almost American Idol after all) but his performance here is particularly touching, you can tell he really means every word that hes singing. The lyrics of this song are so raw and powerful, I cant believe he wrote a line like “all I wanna do is be brand new. ” He makes love sound so monumental, earth shattering. MAMAMOO - “Where R U” from White Wind & LOONA - “Where you at” from [X X] for fans of Red Velvet Similar titles but different approaches: MAMAMOO look forward to meeting someone, LOONA long for someone theyve lost. In my mind both songs make it feel like the girls are searching the universe for this person, but the vibes are completely different. “Where R U” underscores anticipation with curious, staccato beats that are playful, almost as if the searching is a fun little adventure. Meanwhile “Where You At? ” pulses with a mournful energy, creating a slowly expanding universe of synths that seems endless and cold. These sonic playgrounds make great backdrops for both groups to play in, and each nails their assigned mood. Both groups sound relaxed, but the easy going nature of MAMAMOOs assuredness is galaxies away from the distant yearning that LOONA project. NIKI - “urs” from wanna take this downtown? for fans of SZA I love the sound of this track, NIKI has a beautiful voice that sounds razor thin and almost fragile here, and the production is so vibey. Those simple chime sounding synths in the background are soothing and give the track a placid air, but the song actually has a fairly quick tempo. NIKI and the beat skitter around with a nervous energy as she angsts in the verses/chorus, but notice how this aspect of the song cuts out when the postchorus hits after she delivers the climactic “Im already yours. ” Sabrina Carpenter - “Tell Em” from Singular Act II for fans of Mariah Carey There are so many different layers to this song, if you look up “lush” in the dictionary the definition would just be a link to this song. But its a very intimate kind of song, with Sabrina sitting firmly at the center of the track drawing you in. I think she pushes her voice too far sometimes but she holds back here and the result is perfection. She sounds smoky, heavy, mischievous, lovestruck, so many different things and all of them so effortlessly. AJR - “Finale (Cant Wait To See What You Do Next” from Neotheater for fans of MIKA Neotheater has a unique sound that pits harsh electronic sounds against ‘40s Disney-esque style themes, a technique which is used to great effect on this track in particular. Cartoonish music opens the tracks with a note of optimism, only to be cut short by the clashing electronic verses that describe the fear and uncertainty running through the bands mind. The two themes are foils to each other, with the Disney voices cheerfully ushering the band on towards the future even as the boys sing about how hard the situation is. As the heavenly chorus beams “we cant wait to see what you do next” it comes off more as ominous than anything else, because how is anyone expected to live up to such sky high expectations? So there we have it! Sorry about the length, I tried to trim it down a bit but brevity has never been my strong point, but please listen some of these people because I have nobody to talk to about most of them.
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